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 Legends Of YorereleaseBack
   (5 votes)
Filesize:1.72 Mb
Added:Sep 7, 2012
Updated:Oct 13, 2012
Package Author: cube48
As with all young adventurers you crave a dungeon to explore and monsters to slay. Delving deep into the catacombs you will find both adventure and reward. Danger and joy. If you make it through maybe you'll become a .. Legend of Yore. Requires Java!
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Legends Of Yore ver: 1.0.51a.2012-10-13
Author: Kev
Website: www.legendsofyore.com/
As with all young adventurers you crave a dungeon to explore and monsters to slay. Delving deep into the catacombs you will find both adventure and reward. Danger and joy. If you make it through maybe you'll become a .. Legend of Yore. Requires Java!

not specified
Additional Info
Roguelike RPG with nice pixel graphics and online savegame sync. This is free version. If you want to nourish your character above exp level 20 without penalties you should purchase a full version on game's website. You'll receive an activation code from the developer and you can then activate the game on Pandora. You can also continue playing without purchasing but your stats, gold and items will be restricted.
If you create an account (free) on game server you can sync (save/load) your gamesaves across various platforms/game installations (Pandora, Windows, Linux, MacOS, Android, iOS).

Fullscreen can be toggled by pressing Alt+F11 or by right-clicking the window top bar and selecting respective option from the menu.

Big thanks to nagelfar for making the game running in 800x480.

Key Controls
D-Pad - movement and attack
Space - turn pass / wait
Enter - confirmation of some in-game dialogue windows
K - main gaming world view
L - levels, character statistics
I - inventory
M - map
O - options
1-9 - quick slot items activation
Esc - escapes some in-game dialogue windows

Mouse/Touch Controls
Everything is mouse/finger controlled. Click where you want to move to. Click on a enemy to attack or move to attack. Explore the interface by clicking tabs on the right hand side of the screen.

Gameplay video

OpandoraPandora forum thread
Preview Pics
08/09/2012 12:49 UTC
Thanks for the clear description ! Having a fullscreen mode would be great (if possible) :)
08/09/2012 07:17 UTC
I've updated a bit the description. Yes, you can unlock the game on Pandora. After you purchase it at game's website, you'll be provided with activation code via e-mail. It runs fine with Java PND even on 600 MHz but initial loading takes some time. After that all is smooth.
08/09/2012 06:53 UTC
how about the other question ? can you unlock the full bought version ?
08/09/2012 06:22 UTC
OpenJDK via the Java PND has some performance and stability problems. There isn't a PND installer of it yet but you may want to try the just released Oracle Java JDK. I found it faster and much stable. http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk7u7-downloads-1836413.html
07/09/2012 22:45 UTC
Two questions: Is this just the free version or will you be able to unlock the "full bought" version too ? And since it in Java and requires the Java extension, does it run smoothly without the need to overclock the pandora too much ?
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