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 Amiga CLI ToolsbetaBack
   (1 vote)
Filesize:15.21 Mb
Added:Aug 28, 2016
Updated:Sep 4, 2016
Package Author: Magic Sam
Amiga CLI Tools is a collection of...Amiga CLI Tools for the Pandora :)
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Changelog :

New in build #5

- added Marc Espie and Nico Francois' PowerPacker Decruncher v1.0

This is a small portable powerpacker decruncher written in C, for people who want to unpack powerpacker files on Unix machines and others.

- type "ppunpack" for help
- added Ralf Hoffmann's Worker v3.8.3, built with AVFS (git from August 23rd, 2016) and libmagic 5.27 (thanks @ptitSeb and @canseco for your help ! )

Worker is a two-pane file manager for the X Window System on UN*X.

- type "worker" to start the application
- added all new source codes to the PND

New in build #4

- added Ralf Hoffmann's APCComm 2.4.0 (2014-02-02)
APCComm is a program for transferring files between an Amiga and a PC running GNU/Linux using a parallel cable[...]
- type "apccomm -h" for help
- compressed all the source codes

New in build #3

- added all source codes to the PND
- added licenses details and source codes URLs

New in build #2

- added lclevy's ADFlib (git from August 4th, 2015)

The ADFlib is a free, portable and open implementation of the Amiga filesystem.

- type "unadf" for help
- added Heikki Orsila's x DMS v1.3.3 (git from December 5th, 2008)

x DMS is a tool for decompressing Amiga DMS files. DMS files contain disk images that are these days mainly useful for Amiga emulation.

- type "xdms" for help
- tweaked the runscripts

Older builds: see release thread here: https://pyra-handheld.com/boards/threads/amiga-cli-tools.77964/
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