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 StreaKs CLI LovereleaseBack
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Filesize:198.62 Mb
Added:May 27, 2012
Updated:Jun 6, 2012
Package Author: StreaK
CLI Love - Ultimate CLI Apps Pack for OpenPandora. Everything You need to make your life easier. From many mp3 players thru Development to TOR. CLI Love includes more than 1000 CLI Apps/Scripts. Scripts are (C) by StreaK
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StreaKs CLI Love ver: 1.2.6.a
Author: StreaK
Website: pnd.to/4floor
CLI Love - Ultimate CLI Apps Pack for OpenPandora. Everything You need to make your life easier. From many mp3 players thru Development to TOR. CLI Love includes more than 1000 CLI Apps/Scripts. Scripts are (C) by StreaK

not specified
Additional Info
DONATE to 4th Floor Development [ http://4thfloor-donate.bbs.pl/ ] if you want to to see more updates / ports and ORIGINAL EXCLUSIVE APPS for OPENPANDORA [like OpenPandora BookShelf / Inside The Box - PND E-Zine / Babypanda WebBrowser / EX Launcher / Computer Chronicles Lives / CLI Love and more.. ]

Few nice examples of CLI Love usage are included in Inside The Box Issue 1.

and another example:
- Check boards.openpandora.org for new topics type: 'board-news [no of new topics to show]'
- Check repo.openpandora.org for new apps [and download] type: 'repo-news'
- Download or watch youtube video type: 'youplay [youtube-url]'
and many more..

If you want to find an app , but you know partial name of it [ex. it contains 'youtube' in it]
type: "fd-sh youtube"

type "man appname" or just "man" to show climan help

type "newapps 10" to show lats 10 fresh apps added to CLI Love Package.

Whats new in 1.26a:
[NEW] png2jpg-batch [batch rename]
[NEW] xwpe / wpe [Programmers Editor]
[NEW] xjed [Programmers Editor]
[NEW] z80-asm [ASM Compiler for Z80 CPUs (zx spectrum)]
[NEW] eFTe [Programmers Editor]
[NEW] radare [the reverse engineering framework]
[NEW] lha [archiving]
[NEW] cwwav [txt to wav -> morse code converter]
[UPDATE] weechat > 2.8
[UPDATE] apps
[UPDATE] wgetui
[UPDATE] youplay

Comments/Bugs: http://boards.openpandora.org/index.php?/topic/8643-streak-cli-love-version-126a/

Pandora Wiki for StreaK's CLI Love here: http://www.pandorawiki.org/Cli-love
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03/10/2014 06:31 UTC
S-H, it would be awesome if You could point out exactly which apps dont work right now. By the end of this year i'll release new version of StreaK's CLI Love with a lot of adjustments here an there and this should be a final, "farewell to pandora" release of StreaK's CLI LOVE. cheers.
29/09/2014 03:28 UTC
Many of the apps in this no longer work, like TTYtter.
27/06/2012 06:30 UTC
I loved it so much, I started writing documentation.
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