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 GODOT Game enginereleaseBack
   (6 votes)
Filesize:50.08 Mb
Added:Jun 27, 2014
Updated:May 25, 2015
Package Author: x1212
"Godot is a fully featured, open source, MIT licensed, game engine. It focuses on having great tools, and a visual oriented workflow that can export to PC, Mobile and Web platforms with no hassle. The editor, language and APIs are feature rich, yet simple to learn, allowing you to become productive in a matter of hours." (http://www.godotengine.org/wp/)
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Additional Info
This is a release of my port of the GODOT Game engine for the Pandora.
This package includes two builds of a recent version of GODOT.
One of these builds is used as an editor, while the other one is a optimized build meant for playing games made with godot.
I personally also recommend to do the main developing of any game on PC and then use the editors on Pandora mainly to adapt things that are not working properly or fast enough.
For the optimized build there is picklelauncher included, so you can run games that where exported to a data.pck (or start your projects with the faster build).
Games that were exported to a single executable can also be launched by renaming the executable to data.pck (tested with linux exports of some games from the projects-section of the GODOT-forum).

For more info check the official page (http://www.godotengine.org), or this thread on the Forum: http://boards.openpandora.org/topic/16351-godot-game-engine/

Update 25.05.2015:
- updated to version 1.1 stable

Update 25.01.2015:
- latest version again (support for 2D shader, new default theme, ...)
- the main developers have now dropped support for the GLES1 backend (it was close to being unusable already which was why I stopped providing builds a few versions earlier)

Update 14.12.2014:
- merged latest version from the official repo (v1.0.rc2: some new features like navmesh etc. ..., new demos)
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11/03/2016 11:24 UTC
Thanks for the reply! Yes... I just came to notice the 2 PNDs, I was going to say "Thanks and never mind" Perhaps just rename the old PND to Godot Legacy or something?
10/03/2016 17:05 UTC
But yeah ... probably that was not the best solution ... but I thought that way I could still update 1.1 and 2.0 separately in case I find any serious bugs in my port. But now there are currently two packages here with the same title ...
10/03/2016 16:53 UTC
@pokeparadox there already is a new build but I uploaded it as a new package because it's based on a new major release (2.0). According to the release notes it breaks backwards compatibility so I thought it would be better to keep this one on 1.1 in case anyone still wants 1.1 for older projects.
10/03/2016 09:14 UTC
Any chance of an updated build? :) Also I have started "playing" with this. It's a very nice tool and may switch all of my project over!
06/04/2015 17:13 UTC
Had to remove the old version first. Libpndman understandably thinks that 1.0.3917.1 is newer than
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