Package Author: Ziz
Hase is a game about hares in space. It is a bit like Worms or Artillery, but with gravitation.
The game itself is licsensed under GPLv2+.
The used fonts are Pixel Mania by HiBan (CC-BY-SA) and DejaVu Sans (Public Domain)
- Added the irc server, channel and ports as config option
- Moved to another server again and furthermore a new irc server
- Fixed random crash caused by IRC chat
- Ported the server to php7 and moved to different server per default
- Connecting to another IRC port of one is not working
- Improved camera handling, especially for small device screens
- Fixed crash with "kill above hare" weapon
- Added touchscreen/mouse support
- Fixed broken network support
- Added optional handicaps for the AI to make the game harder or easier
- Removed locking zoom option, which nobody understood
- Added new coloured moon dolphin
- Fixed pandora start script
- Improved game lobby GUI
- Saving sprite selection
- Improved main menu design
- Improved ingame help
- Added a power bar instead of pure percent
- IRC should reconnect after timeout
- Fixed skull behaviour in end game
- Fixed bug about random accelaration in no gravity areas
- Made it easier to shoot while mid air (removed crosshairs hopping)
- AI doesn't choose already choosen sprites
- Life over max health is shown differently
- Fixed menu resize bug
- Fixed some stucking bugs
- levels are cutted around the 1024x1024 center
- level width and height are fixed to 1536x1536
- Items don't land on the head, but are collected
- Decreased the bunny collision box again
- Tomtatoes collected outside own turn are added next turn
- Made the weapons menu wide instead of high for low screen devices
- AI shoots if no time is left instead of jumping around
- Traces fade out
- New level save format (easier to edit and to change)
- Camera changes at border warp, too
- Speed improvements, especially for CC units
- No enter of empty name possible anymore
- Computer player don't get kicked after timeout in game lobby
- Renamed "Help" to "How to play" and made it the selected entry at first start
- Improved movement
- Improved odds for items (one item per round)
- Bouncing items
- Hit hares and items get a force in from the explosion
- Improved the minimal and maximal shoot power
- Random level with holes
- Levels can be saved and loaded, even of already played games
- No hare stacks floating in the air
- Countdown starts only if the camera is on the player and not a dropped item
- Building and shooting weapons got two different settings to avoid aim cheating ;)
- Added Item selection sound
- Player list for removing a player
- Players can be kicked
- Inactive players in the game lobby get kicked
- General server improvements
- Removed max players - if you are too many, kick players ;)
- Start action points setup
- Start health setup
- Added option for infinite level instead of a killing border
- Game mode, where the damage of the bullets depends on the time flying
- Saving the game settings
- Bullets don't live more than 30 seconds
- Added option for a sudden death like event: Ragnarök
- Decreased the damage of the cluster bomb
- Decreased the impact of Wingardium Leviosa
- Hopefully fixed the inaccurary of the spells if another hare is close to the impact
- New weapons:
- Digger (opposite of the building tool)
- Teleport
- Surrender
- Potato
- Hit the hare on your head
- Shotgun
- Improved AI
- Added help
- Smaller zoom level for starting with big windows
- No blocking for some network interactions anymore (experimental)
- Camera zooms out, to see everything important
- More bright border color
- More different background music tracks
- Support for actions in chats (/me doing something)
- More screen space for chatting in lobby
- Fixed a bug about crashing the game with too long messages
- Showing less of the chat ingame (5 lines for small resolution devices, 10 lines for higher resolution devices)
- Fixed the ghost arrow bug
- Static linking of hase to remove the need for LD_LIBRARY_PATH
- Added sheep sprite set (thx @ Binky)
- Added skeletal cow err... horse sprite set (thx @ Levi)
- New explosion sound (better and quieter)
- Improved sound of cluster bomb explosion
- Showing the connection status of players while waiting for their turn
- Fixed a bug, which made the heartbeat function run forever
- Fixed ingame chat for devices with onscreen keyboard like GCW
- Fixed a bug for local hotseat playing, which caused the game to crash
- Second local player got kicked in an online game and went Zombie
- Message, if the client becomes a zombie for the other players
- Fixed a bug about resizing the game window
- Bug fix for building stuff on the border (thx @ sheepluva)
- No zig zag in background for waiting for turn data
- Fixed a bug about a flickering screen while entering chat messages
- Removed the "Prototype" in the gcw description
- More space for the game names in the game list in the lobby
- Added warning sound if turn begins
- Redrawing the level border every time
- Added new sprite (thx @ Holysmoke)
- Fixed two crash bugs on resizing
- Added a logo made by comradekingu
- Added possibility to play online / watch replays without being online in the chat
- Fixed the menu size for most cases
- Improved dolphin
- Showing global chat ingame, but greyed out
- Fixed font size for small resolution devices like the GCW
- Removing nubs for pandora (I doubt anybody used it)
- Added fast forward for games for boring AI or replays
- Fixed bug with chat input while chat window not open
- Different button mappings for menu and ingame
- Two new sprites (thx @ Comradekingu)
- Fixed low chance of seg fault right after start of an online game
- Server optimizations for older php versions
- Button mapping while ingame
- Windows only: Removed asking for compressed data
- a new level texture (thx @ Binky)
- a new sprite (thx @ Binky)
- Compression of outgoing turn data (again up to 98% data bandwidth saving)
- Button mapping is adjustable
- Compression of outgoing turn data (again up to 98% data bandwidth saving)
- Button mapping is adjustable
- Asking the server to give gzip compressed data. Saved up to 98% of data bandwidth.
- Sound warning at end of turn
- Mine make noises now
- Chat is fading out ingame
- Pandora only: Toggling between fullscreen and windowed mode with the Pandora button
- Inverted button images to be more clear
- Rsotation speed of the cross haire depends on the weapon power
- Targeting line is above cross haire
- Fixed a _very_ rare and uncommon crash because of division by zero
- Set the ingame chat to appear for 1 minute instead of only 20 seconds (testwise)
- Fixed a bug in the HTTP handling code, which made online game unplayable slow
- Fixed bug on gcw, which made the game unplayable
- (Hopefully) fixed a bug, which made a client crash right after the start if a game with a chance of ~10%
- Automaticly reconnect of IRC loose connection
- Added logging for irc
- Less time between two downloads of a turn to avoid wifi energy saving, which slows down the whole game
- Fixed a crash, when exiting a game via removing the last player
- Creating backups from the OPKs for the GCW, too
- Tomato sprites instead of "Weapon points"
- Line between player and cross haire for easier aiming
- Removed confusing "1 minute timeout" message
- Building tool can build in the ground, but more savety distance to hares
- No sending of empty messages in Chats
- Chat is now [Start] ingame
- Fixed error message if server is not avaible
- Telling when a game happened for replays
- If the game master leaves the game, the game is not deleted from the game list, except (s)he want it.
- Using Menu as fourth button in Linux/Windows
- Line break for ingame chat (Really, you guys talk to much! ;)
- No flickering when entering text while a loading screen is active
- Added spectate modus
- You can even spectate already started, but not yet finished games!
- Recompile with NEON support (forgot it in
- Some little speed optimizations
- Some sparrow3d improvements to draw faster
- Showing the needed server version in the lobby
- Fixed a bug, that the very close use of the build tool could freeze the game
- Improved handling of disconnects (now called "Zombies" ingame)
- Fixed jump while typing
- No message filter for irc messages in replays
- Right aligned text input if more text than fits in the window
- No movement while typing
- If admin leaves game, the game is not shown in the game list anymore
- rotation stays fix when no gravitation
- Less network spam
- Removed "Aiming 100%" label above AI after it shoot
- Using NEON for little speed up
- Fixed a bug in the particle system
- Added mini map
- Improved user name checking of IRC nick
- Fixed a bug, which fucked the deterministic, which is baaaad
- Replacing spaces with underscore in nicknames
- bigger sprites for small screens
- Fixed keyboard-gui-collision
- Backspace button for onscreen keyboard devices (like the GCW)
- More sprites
- Sprites chooseable
- Username saving
- Username guessing with C4A profile information
- server improvements
- better weapon illustration
- Noticement if sprite is used by another player
- Better camera movement
- Username has to be choosen in lobby
- IRC chat
- Chat in lobby
- Sending and receiving chat messages from within the game
- Random button for insult in chat
- Too expensive weapons are greyed out
- Showing level border
- New weapons:
- A bigger and a smaller building tool
- Cluster bomb
- Mine shooter
- Super jump
- Weapon point harvesting
- Little damage shoot without gravity
- High damage shoot without gravity
- Instant kill
- Forced super jump
- Added items:
- health
- more weapon points
- mine
- Added button arrow images to sparrow3d and use them now in hase in the help
- Fixed crash if last player removed in online game (thx @zear)
- Fixed small resolution sprites
- Improved targeting
- Improved button mapping for handhelds without keyboard
- faster showing of own messages in chat
- level color for the bullet traces
- better and new default values for creating a game
- Added option to not rotate the level, but the bunny
- Added option to invert the controls of the bunny is upside down
- Improved the particle effect (should be faster)
- Fixed broken network play
- Arrow stays at minimal size while zooming to see where you are aiming at large zoom-outs
- Circle around active hare to tell which of your characters you are currently controlling
- Options menu for setting like volume, zooming behaviour and hare markation
- Changeable particle size
- Added Sound
- An option to hide the player names on demand for better aiming when you have a lot of the screen area covered with the names
- Improved colours
- Fixed little bug after finished turn in online game
- AI is smarter (no friendly fire)
- Faster canceling online game
- Canceled online game will have no replay
- 5s extra time after last bullet
- 3 weapon points per turn
- Locking zoom
- Improved Aiming
- New health bar
- Fixed a bug in the bullet calculation
- improved button mapping, using SP_PRACTICE
- Writing down tractory while flying
- New window approach
- Menu
- Multiple hares per player
- New controls
- Global health bar
- Particle Effect
- 6 Weapons
- network support
- Start of change logging
28/08/2014 01:03 UTC
14/12/2013 20:51 UTC
26/11/2013 23:03 UTC
26/11/2013 23:03 UTC
26/11/2013 06:13 UTC