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 Xash3D - HalfLife: UplinkreleaseBack
   (7 votes)
Filesize:50.36 Mb
Added:May 20, 2015
Updated:Nov 29, 2016
Package Author: ptitSeb
HalfLife: Uplink
Using Xash3D Engine
Xash3D Engine is a custom Gold Source Engine rewritten from scratch. Xash3D
is compatible with many of the Gold Source games and mods and should be
able to run almost any existing singleplayer Half-Life mod without a hitch.
The multiplayer part is not yet completed, multiplayer mods should work just
fine, but bear in mind that some features may not work at all or work not
exactly the way they do in Gold Source Engine.

Half-Life: Uplink is a demo version of Valve Software's 1998 first-person shooter computer game Half-Life, released on February 12, 1999. Uplink features many of the common enemies, characters, and weapons from the full game.

The Uplink chapters were cut during Half-Life's development phase, and roughly fit in prior to or during the Lambda Core chapter. They were, however, strongly revised for the demo release. Uplink also includes the same Hazard Course from the full release of Half-Life.
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Additional Info
Here is Half Life: Uplink, using Xash3D engine.

HalfLife: Uplink is the demo for Halflife. Unlike traditional demo, this one feature Levels not found in the full game (like for the JK2 demo). So getting it is advised even if you have the full version!

The demo data are already packed, the PND is ready2play.

History log
Build 15
* New build in sync with main Xash3d pnd (faster and smoother gameplay).

Build 13
* New build in sync with main Xash3d pnd (faster and smoother gameplay).

Build 12
* New build (should be faster)

Build 11
* Fixed a bug preventing a new game to start

Build 10
* Updated sources and libs

Build 09
* Updated sources and libs

Build 08
* Fixed the ".noshouldermb" function

Build 07
* New build, based on 3030 sources.

Build 06
* Added support for Nub as Joystick
* Left nub to move now

Build 05
* Initial build
* Same version (and same binaries) as stand alone Xash3d

A thread is open here: https://boards.openpandora.org/topic/18120-xash3d-half-life-uplink/
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20/05/2015 21:37 UTC
It works very well, thx.
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