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Added:Sep 17, 2017
Updated:Oct 20, 2017
Package Author: ptitSeb
OpenRA is a project that recreates and modernizes the classic Command and Conquer real time strategy games. We have developed a flexible open source game engine (the OpenRA engine) that provides a common platform for rebuilding and reimagining classic 2D and 2.5D RTS games (the OpenRA mods).

This means that OpenRA is not restricted by the technical limitations of the original closed-source games: it includes native support for modern operating systems and screen resolutions (including Windows 10, Mac OS X, and most Linux distros) without relying on emulation or binary hacks, and features integrated online multiplayer.

While we love the classic RTS gameplay, multiplayer game design has evolved significantly since the early 1990's. The OpenRA mods include new features and gameplay improvements that bring them into the modern era:

A choice between “right click” and classic “left click” control schemes
Overhauled sidebar interfaces for managing production
Support for game replays and an observer interface designed for streaming games online
The “fog of war” that obscures the battlefield outside your units' line of sight
Civilian structures that can be captured for strategic advantage
Units gain experience as they fight and improve when they earn new ranks
OpenRA is 100% free, and comes bundled with three distinct mods. When you run a mod for the first time the game can automatically download the original game assets, or you can use the original game disks.
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OpenRA ver:
Author: ptitSeb
Website: www.openra.net/
OpenRA OpenRA is a project that recreates and modernizes the classic Command and Conquer real time strategy games. We have developed a flexible open source game engine (the OpenRA engine) that provides a common platform for rebuilding and reimagining classic 2D and 2.5D RTS games (the OpenRA mods). This means that OpenRA is not restricted by the technical limitations of the original closed-source games: it includes native support for modern operating systems and screen resolutions (including Windows 10, Mac OS X, and most Linux distros) without relying on emulation or binary hacks, and features integrated online multiplayer. While we love the classic RTS gameplay, multiplayer game design has evolved significantly since the early 1990's. The OpenRA mods include new features and gameplay improvements that bring them into the modern era: A choice between “right click” and classic “left click” control schemes Overhauled sidebar interfaces for managing production Support for game replays and an observer interface designed for streaming games online The “fog of war” that obscures the battlefield outside your units' line of sight Civilian structures that can be captured for strategic advantage Units gain experience as they fight and improve when they earn new ranks OpenRA is 100% free, and comes bundled with three distinct mods. When you run a mod for the first time the game can automatically download the original game assets, or you can use the original game disks.

not specified
Additional Info
Here is OpenRA, the open source re-implementation of Red Alert and CnC games
This PND use the MonoRT pnd, so be sure to have it installed (i.e. simply copied) on your Pandora.
The games is an OpenGL 2.0 game and use the new experiemental GLES2 backend of gl4es.
Also, beeing C#, the game can be a bit sluggish at first, when the JIT trigger. It should be smoother after the initial hickup.

/!\ You'll need a swapfile for this game, for any Pandora model /!\
/!\ While it seems playable on Gigahertz model, it may be too slow to be playable on other models /!\

You can use CD data or let the launcher download datas.

History log
Build 05
* Fixed a crash in optimized rendering
* More hacking to shaders to avoid "discard"

Build 04
* Switched to "bleed" branch
* Implemented crude zenity based MOD selector (as modchooser is not supported in bleed)
* Optimized a bit rendering engine
* Removed perf log stuff
* Try to optimize mono parameters

Build 03
* Changed startup parameter, should be less memory hungry now

Build 02
* Added Tiberian Sun WIP Module

Build 01
* Initial build

A thread is open here: https://pyra-handheld.com/boards/threads/openra.81520/
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