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Added:Apr 22, 2013
Updated:Apr 2, 2015
Package Author: ptitSeb
RickyD - A Rick Dangerous clone
RickyD uses xml extensively to configure all aspects of the game, from objects
to tiles and sound, maps are also written in xml, so they can be easily edited.
Creating completely new maps is very easy, just create a new tileset and use a
tool like tiled to put everything together.

And now featuring Compo4All. Normal version still (without C4A) also inside PND.
*** Please note: You must have defined your profile with Compo4all Mame first ! ***
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Package Contents (2) (hide/show)
RickyD C4A ver:
Author: ptitSeb
Website: sourceforge.net/p/rickyd/code/ci/master/tree/
RickyD - A Rick Dangerous clone RickyD uses xml extensively to configure all aspects of the game, from objects to tiles and sound, maps are also written in xml, so they can be easily edited. Creating completely new maps is very easy, just create a new tileset and use a tool like tiled to put everything together. And now featuring Compo4All. *** Please note: You must have defined your profile with Compo4all Mame first ! ***

not specified
RickyD ver:
Author: ptitSeb
Website: sourceforge.net/p/rickyd/code/ci/master/tree/
RickyD - A Rick Dangerous clone RickyD uses xml extensively to configure all aspects of the game, from objects to tiles and sound, maps are also written in xml, so they can be easily edited. Creating completely new maps is very easy, just create a new tileset and use a tool like tiled to put everything together.

not specified
Additional Info
This clone of Rick Dangerous features levels for Rick Danderous 1 and 2.
It use SDL2 (with OpenGL-ES).

With Build 04, you now have a C4A compatible version. You need to first create a profile with the Compo4All PND (here: http://repo.openpandora.org/?page=detail&app=compo4all-skeezix-0001) to be abble to submit your scores.

History log
Build 12
* Fixed a crash for first level of Rick2

Build 11
* Updated Fusilli client from Ziz, with fixed cached upload for large cache

Build 10
* Updated to latest code.
* Use Fusilli client, with cached score (offline play)
* SDL2 is using glshim now (seems faster)

Build 09
* Updated to latest code.

Build 08
* Updated to latest code.
* Compatible with latest SGX Video Drivers

Build 07
* Updated to latest code.
* Unlocked first level of Rick2
* Use new SDL 2.0.1

Build 06
* Updated to latest code. There were many update in rick2 levels and there is the chiptune when passing checkpoint!

Build 05
* Updated to latest code. There were many update in rick2 levels.

Build 04
* Now with Compo4All! Use the "RickyD C4A" launcher to have your score (silently) submited to leaderboard.
* Recompiled some parts, should be faster. Also, put an Overclock of 800Mhz in the PXML.

Build 03 and before: go to main thread

A thread is open here: http://boards.openpandora.org/index.php/topic/12827-rickyd-a-rick-dangerous-clone/
Preview Pics
17/10/2014 23:04 UTC
New build seems to be more fluid. Thanks!
30/03/2014 16:56 UTC
Looks like a fun game, but it runs noticeably slow on my Pandora ReBirth with SuperZaxxon 1.60 - maybe I don't have the proper graphics driver? Also, mapping jump to one of the ABXY game buttons instead of dpad-up would make it easier to control.
27/10/2013 22:30 UTC
New build with SDL 2.0.1 seems more friendly with non-default driver. To be confirmed...
30/09/2013 13:15 UTC
@ptitSeb - any way to fix that? Or is there a way to load a different driver just for one game?
30/09/2013 05:50 UTC
@ekianjo: warning, current SDL2 doesn't like non-default driver it seems.
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