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 RtCW DemoreleaseBack
   (2 votes)
Filesize:5.91 Mb
Added:Aug 10, 2013
Updated:Mar 6, 2016
Package Author: ptitSeb
Return to Castle Wolfenstein Demo.

Return to Castle Wolfenstein, abbreviated RtCW, was released November 19, 2001. The game was published by Activision, developed by Gray Matter Studios and Nerve Software. Id Software oversaw the game's development and was credited as the game's executive producers. RtCW was the long awaited re-imagining of the video game Wolfenstein 3D but actually, the game restarted the franchise.

You will need the installation files of the Demo of Return to Castle Wolfenstein to play this port. Install it first on a Windows/Wine machine, update to latest version and copy all data files (the whole base folder) into appdata/rtcw_demo.
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Additional Info
Here is the port of the Demo of Return to Castle Wolfenstein

You'll need data from Demo version to play this. Install it on your PC.

There are 2 default set of parameters, one for CC & Rebirth (without Dynamic Lightning mainly) and one for Gigahertz model (with Dynamic Lightning enabled).

See main thread in the Forum for Default Keymap.

History log
Build 06
* Flamethrower doesn't crash now

Build 05
* Added "noshouldermb" function
* Fresh build (faster)
* Tearless SwapBuffer

Build 04
* Updated AutoAim (In sync with non-demo PND)

Build 02
* Improved Joystick support (now truely analog)
* Added ability to change default config of Left/Right nub: see the files left_nub and right.nub in appdata/rtcw_demo/home
* Changed hardwired Leftclic to Right Shoulder and Rightclic as Left shoulder.
* Remove Data from Demo PND
* Removed Screenshots from PXML.

Build 01
* Initial release
* Joystick support
* Hardwired "," as Leftclick and "." as Rightclick
* The crouch button is now a toggle button, that is also canceled with Jump
* Full GLES renderer

A thread is open here: http://boards.openpandora.org/index.php/topic/13997-return-to-castle-wolfenstein/
10/08/2013 18:56 UTC
Yes the Pandora is a legit PC powerhouse!! Great game to play again 5/5!!
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