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 Pandora System InforeleaseBack
   (51 votes)
Filesize:1.76 Mb
Added:Sep 5, 2012
Updated:Sep 17, 2014
Package Author: Jon Sneyers
Ridiculously accurate battery information, so you can actually see exactly how fast
the battery is (dis)charging and exactly how many micro Ampere hours it has left.
Also contains a CPU usage monitor (including info on power-saving states),
memory usage information, storage free space (SD cards, NAND, USB),
network statistics and hardware model info.
Optionally keep detailed log files (.csv) and plot them.
From within Pandora System Info you can also change the CPU, DSP, and system bus
clock frequency and toggle wifi, wifi power-saving, and USB.

New in version 1.0.0:
- CPU: view and change CPUfreq governor (performance/ondemand/conservative/powersave)
- CPU: shows top 3 processes
- CPU: shows number of interrupts and context switches, cpu temperature (thanks, notaz!)
- Storage: shows R/W speed (based on notaz' code)
- horizontal/vertical stacking (press H,V), gadget mode (press G)
- plotting: now with smooth mcsplines to get rid of overshoot
- plotting no longer separate menu entry: press P in system info to plot
- various small bugfixes/tweaks
New in version 0.9.1:
- logging writes less frequently to SD (good for low-power measurement)
- changed size units to 1KB = 1000 bytes (makes more sense for SD cards)
- some more information about SD cards (OEM,date,name,SN)
- improved plots, use PIV as viewer if available
- no more 4 GB limit for network traffic
- reduced memory footprint further (especially when minimized)
- plot current log from System Info (press J)
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Feedback welcome: http://pnd.to/sysinfo-feedback

Interaction design by porg (Stefan Nowak)
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05/04/2013 12:41 UTC
I don't mind getting harsh ratings if the problem is as big as this (hard reset required!). However it would be nice if CCF would help me with solving the problem; since he is the only one (afaik) who has the problem, he is the only one who can help me solve it.
02/04/2013 04:06 UTC
0/5 seems harsh ... perhaps CCF has a weird solar-powered Pandora or something
30/03/2013 15:16 UTC
Are you by any chance overclocking your CPU? That's the only explanation I can come up with...
30/03/2013 13:28 UTC
Wow, thanks for the bug report, that should obviously not happen. I've never encountered this behavior, so I have no clue what causes it. Does it only happen in the battery panel? Let's discuss further in the forum thread. I want to fix this asap. Anyone else had this problem?
30/03/2013 12:59 UTC
Sorry 1/5 and would give 0/5 if possible. When I went to battery info window the Pandora screen froze and I had to hard reset [this happened 3 times].
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