Colorfulver: Author: SuperVegeta Website: - Description: Colorful
A post-compo version of a game made for Ludum Dare 25, a 48h compo. Fly around, shoot enemies, collect colours.
Licenses: not specified
Additional Info
Here is Colorful, an action game initially done for the Lundum Dare 25.
The game is developped in FreePascal and use glshim for the port. The game is very smooth, even on CC model.
The keymap has been adapted to Pandora, where [A] and [B] are used for Left and Right shooting.
bullets from enemies are hard to see. world to explore looks big. Seems you have one life, so far not found a recharge, so I catalogue this as "hard", because going back a level, the baddies are back too... Surprisingly deep and sad starting plot.
01/01/2016 15:43 UTC
28/12/2015 22:35 UTC