This is a concept build to check how hard it is to pack a window manager into a pnd. I did not optimized the shortcuts for the pandora and the handling is rather weird without a normal keyboard.
To get started launch "Add E16" from menu>System.
Next use the gui switching tool.
Refresh the menu - right click>Maintenance>Regenerate Menus
Add a systray - right click>Desktop>Create Systray
Move windows - alt+left mouse
Close windows - alt+ctrl+x
Switch workspaces - alt+ctrl+dpad
Known bugs:
Do not hit the pandorabutton while using it, EVER.
No battery indicator
No shortcut assign menu
Creates an unusable menu entry
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jadedpa 18/07/2015 05:02 UTC v1.0.1.1
"Do not hit the pandorabutton while using it, EVER." Wow, that's pretty scary. @_@ Could you explain what happens, though? Explaining the consequences would probably be the most effective deterrent. :p
18/07/2015 05:02 UTC