I havent seen it write on NAND, care to tell me what file/situation get it to write on nand ?
onpon4 17/08/2012 14:48 UTC v2.27.6.1
Can you please make it so this doesn't write to NAND?
sebt3 18/02/2012 18:07 UTC v2.27.6.1
@onpon4 this gedit feature depend on gnome deamon that are not started on pandora. Sorry you'll need to browse (I also think you can create bookmark, which might help)
onpon4 18/02/2012 17:44 UTC v2.27.6.1
Hm, I _can_ get to there by browsing to /media directly. It's a bit of a hassle, but less so than copying files from my flash drive to the SD card. To clarify, the problem happens when you click an external drive among the list on the left.
onpon4 18/02/2012 17:41 UTC v2.27.6.1
Sorry I took so long to get back to you. xD Anyway, the problem is in the file browser, if I select an external USB drive (in my case, an 8 GB flash drive), it gives this error message: "Could not mount 8.0 GB Media / Failed to execute child process "gnome-mount" (No such file or directory)".
17/08/2012 14:53 UTC
17/08/2012 14:48 UTC
18/02/2012 18:07 UTC
18/02/2012 17:44 UTC
18/02/2012 17:41 UTC