Being command line only, I put some cheap zenity script to handle file selection.
Source code is inside the PND if you want to improve it.
History logs
* Corrected a bug on the rom check in the zenity script
* Tried to adjust CPU tstates and other various things, but Dizzy6 (for example) is still unstable (and works well on gmz700em on mz800 mode without sound). Flappy speed is still not good.
* Based on last 0.8.1 for PC
* Corrected some bugs, so load of "mzf" file works
* Added PSG emulator from Takaeda's binary (taken from Mame), so there is sound is mz800 mode.
* use -s to activate sound (automatic via zenity dialog)
* use -7 to switch to mz700 mode (no way with zenity dialog)
* There are still bugs in emulation. Flappy speed is not correct, or Dizzy6 reset sometimes.
06/05/2013 16:27 UTC