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Filesize:16.18 Mb
Added:Jan 5, 2014
Updated:Mar 25, 2017
Package Author: mcobit+zenorogue
You are a lone outsider in a strange, non-Euclidean world. As a Rogue, your goal is to collect as many treasures as possible.
However, collecting treasures attracts dangerous monsters (on the other hand, killing the monsters allows more treasures to be generated).
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Version history:

9.4c: Several new lands and features. Sound effects and animations (3D mode disabled by default because Pandora is slow). See more on the HyperRogue blog: http://zenorogue.blogspot.com/search/label/hyper

9.0j: Several new lands and features. Updated menus.

8.3h: Several new lands and features.

8.0l: Added libpulsecommon-0.9.15.so, some bugfixes

8.0j: Several extra lands and new game modes.

7.2b: Twenty four lands. Keyboard configuration for the shoot'em up mode (also two-player coop, but probably not really convenient on Pandora).

7.0i: Twenty two lands. Fixed the translations. Shoot'em up and hardcore modes. See more on the HyperRogue blog: http://zenorogue.blogspot.com/search/label/hyper

6.2c: Twenty lands (compared to 4.4's eleven) which explore various 1HP roguelike mechanics, and various shapes in the hyperbolic geometry. Euclidean mode to see why the geometry matters. Translations to Polish, Czech, Turkish, and Russian. Numerous other improvements. See more on the HyperRogue blog: http://zenorogue.blogspot.com/search/label/hyper

Press SELECT for help about controls (and HyperRogue in general), START to learn the quest status, and v for configuration. Current config is saved as .hyperrogue.ini in app data. Pandora package originally created by mcobit: http://boards.openpandora.org/topic/15315-hyper-rogue/?p=303069
This was done with lunixbochs LibGL. Versions 4.4+ made by zenorogue.
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18/03/2014 22:04 UTC
The update works. The new control scheme is great, thanks! Ignore CCF, he likes fast paced games :)
18/03/2014 17:31 UTC
CCF: Please tell me more about your so much better design. How exactly adding an ability to shoot enemies would make it a better game?
18/03/2014 14:16 UTC
It would be a good game if you could shoot to kill instead of walking into enemies. Control is wonky. No audio other than elevator muzak..yeeech. Super Geometry Dust brain dead 2-/5. This game could be so much better.
17/03/2014 23:14 UTC
Sorry for the missing library, I am new to this... Should be fixed.
17/03/2014 22:15 UTC
Thanks for the update, but it doesn't start for me (latest firmware) with the following in the pndrun: ./hyper: error while loading shared libraries: libiconv.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
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