Package Author: MarkW
LyX is called a "document processor", because unlike standard word processors, LyX encourages an approach to writing based on the structure of your documents, not their appearance. LyX lets you concentrate on writing, leaving details of visual layout to the software. LyX automates formatting according to predefined rule sets, yielding consistency throughout even the most complex documents. LyX produces high quality, professional output – using LaTeX, an open source, industrial strength typesetting engine, in the background.
lyx.pnd includes spell checking capabilities (using the hunspell engine - which is included) and support for thesauri. en_GB, en_US, de_DE, es_ES, it_IT and fr_FR dictionaries and thesauri have been included in the pnd. I am quite happy to include others - just let me know. A file association has also been setup for .lyx files to enable right and left click editing from file managers.
lyx.pnd automatically searches for Sepulep's texlive.pnd (which must be in the same physical location as lyx.pnd), and tries to mount it to provide TeX support. If lyx.pnd mounts texlive.pnd, it will unmount it upon termination of the current LyX session.
**V Changes: de_DE, es_ES, it_IT and fr_FR dictionaries and thesauri added.**
25/07/2013 19:25 UTC
03/07/2013 04:42 UTC
01/07/2013 01:58 UTC