This is a native gpSP version (as opposed to older GINGEd one) with some Pandora specific tuning.
It requires BIOS file that should be named gba_bios.bin and placed into /pandora/appdata/gpsp/ directory.
tieuphong 15/11/2015 04:56 UTC v0.9.2.8
How to play Warioware Twisted on GpSP? How can the nubs be made to behave/emulate tilting?
tieuphong 03/06/2014 19:17 UTC v0.9.2.8
Not sure if this is just me but when TVout HW scaler is enabled, the TV screen as well as the Pandora screen go berserk.
Midi 29/01/2014 14:43 UTC v0.9.2.8
Being able to take screenshots would make this emu perfect.
MikiLoz92 15/01/2014 13:59 UTC v0.9.2.8
Ummm how do I put this??? ...This is the best GBA emulator you will probably get on a machine like this. I mean it's freaking PERFECT except for some small sound issues. Video works like hell, no tearing, no framedrop and constant 60fps on almost every game
djkoelkast 13/11/2013 12:14 UTC v0.9.2.8
Works very good, but music on Konami Krazy Racers has a beep throuh it on some parts. Tried in another emu, there the problem does not exist, but image on gpSP is way better.
15/11/2015 04:56 UTC
03/06/2014 19:17 UTC
29/01/2014 14:43 UTC
15/01/2014 13:59 UTC
13/11/2013 12:14 UTC