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 Torus TrooperreleaseBack
   (1 vote)
Filesize:17.34 Mb
Added:Mar 25, 2017
Updated:Mar 25, 2017
Package Author: ptitSeb
Speed! More speed!

Speeding ship sailing through barrage, 'Torus Trooper'.

Drive a ship forward and destroy enemies. When time runs out, game is over.

Remaining time is displayed at the left up corner. Remaining time varies according to events:

Ship was destroyed(-15 sec.)
You ship is destroyed when it is hit by a bullet.

Bonus time(+15 sec.)
You can earn bonus time when you reach a certain score. The point you have to get is displayed at the right up corner.

Destroy the boss(+30 or 45 sec.)
The boss enemies appear when you destroy or overtake a certain number(displayed at the left down corner) of enemies, and you can earn bonus time by destroying them.
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Additional Info
Here is Torus Trooper, an abstract Shoot'em up from ABA Games

The games is developped in D lang and use OpenGL (using gl4es on the Pandora).
The game speed is correct on Gigahertz, but a bit slowish on Rebirth model. Unfortunatly, it's incompatible with CC model.

/!\ This game is not compatible with CC model and will freeze after less than a minute /!\

A video of the Gameplay on a Gigahertz Pandora from @ingoreis can be found here: https://youtu.be/z5_G7TjPISs

History log
Build 01
* Initial build
* Pandora customization

A thread is open here: https://pyra-handheld.com/boards/threads/torus-trooper.80106/

Source code are inside the PND.
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