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Added:Aug 19, 2021
Updated:Aug 19, 2021
Package Author: Anbjørn Myren
Gunfight is inspired by on old TV-console game, a western shooter game for one or two players. This is an enhanced version with themes and user configurable settings. For two player mode I would recommend connecting a bluetooth joystick or keyboard for player 2.
The game is packed toghether with and use Box86 by ptitSeb.

Use D-Pad + Enter or touchscreen/mouse to navigate the menus.
Esc to quit the game, or Ctrl+C.

In one player mode you will control the left player (Player 1)
Player 1 default controls are:
D-Pad = Movement
GAME A = Aim down (keymapped to c)
GAME Y = Aim up (keymapped to v)
GAME X or B = Shoot (keymapped to x)
g = Throw grenade (2 player only)
z = Turn around (2 player only, if free movement is set)

The goal is to shoot the oponent and avoid being hit. Each round will last until one of the players are hit, or if both playes are out of bullets.
One game set is 6 rounds, with sligtly different scenery. By defaut one match have two sets, so there will be 12 rounds in total. This can be customised in the settings.

There are options for setting up joysticks, tested and working with bluetooth gamepad)
Keyboard commands can be customized by preference.

Other settings:
Fire mode - Choose if you can have one or more bullets on screen at the time.
Grenades - Enable grenades for 2 player mode.
Movement - If free movement is set, the players can move around the whole playfield, and turn direction. This is for 2 player mode only.
Rounds - Number of sets a 6 rounds per game.
Reloads - Number of bullet reloads for human player.
CPU player reloads - As above, for CPU player.
CPU Firerate - Set the CPU fire frequency.
CPU speed - CPU movement speed
Themes - There are 6 themes to choose from. Classic, Tom'n'Jerry, Tanks, Pretador, Western Gun and Custom
Classic is made to be as close to the to the old TV console game as possible, meaning grenades and free-movement is disabled for this theme.
Western Gun is inspired by another variant, and have smaller characters and rocks that makes the bullets bounce and change direction.

The Custom theme is made to be user customizable. While the graphics for the other themes are baked into the executable, the custom graphics have an external folder named customimages. For the Pandora port these files are not directly accessable, since it is packed into the PND file.
To access them you need to either unpack the PND, or copy the folder from the pnd folder while the game is running. Open the filemaneager and you will find the extraxted pnd in the /mnt/pnd/Gunfight folder.
Then copy the customimages folder into /xxxx/pandora/appdata/Gunfight folder. Edit the images to your likings, but do use the same pixel size for the images.

There is also an option for joystick setup and testing.
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