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Added:Apr 11, 2012
Updated:Dec 2, 2014
Package Author: Roy Gillotti
JCloisterZone is a Java implementation of a popular board game Carcassonne. It supports multiplayer game on a local computer or over a network. Game can be also played against computer AI.
Pandora specific optimization done by Roy Gillotti AKA TrashyMG.. real work done by: farin@farin.cz Website: http://jcloisterzone.com/en/

Please use Oracle's ARM JDK Java over OpenJDK Java for fast and stable playing.
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Needs Oracle Java: http://repo.openpandora.org/?page=detail&app=java

-Use DPAD or mouse drag to scroll the board.
-Zoom in: Game Button Y (PGUP) or W Key.
-Zoom Out: Game Button X (PGDN) or Z Key.
-Rotate tiles left or right with Game Button A and B keys, shoulder buttons, right mouse click or A and S keys.
-Place a tile by left click or touchscreen tap.
-Backspace to undo tile placement
-You can pass on a meeple placement action with Enter, Space or R key.
-Press F to toggle farm hints or X to see last placed tiles.

- Pushed to latest git sources, details of changes since 2.7 release here: https://github.com/farin/JCloisterZone/blob/master/changelog.md
- Further Pandora UI changes.
- Can now rotate tiles with Shoulder buttons, better for those that use AB mouse.
- Source diff of the pandora version and the master branch found in PND.

- Pushed to latest git source
- Big UI changes, Made Initial start menu fit on the screen. The game creation screen fits much better, but still require scrolling. Start Game button resized and moved to the left.
- Pandora specific controls added. Shown above.
- zooming in and out much smoother than prior versions.
- Source diff of the pandora version and the master branch found in PND under file source.diff.
- Details here: http://boards.openpandora.org/topic/7261-jcloisterzone/#entry345072
01/06/2013 04:55 UTC
From the official page: Pluggable graphics and first Minis in 2.2 (Cathars/Siege can be switched now). Honestly not sure what this means, it now has a plugin support.. but I see no plugins available.. so it looks like for things in the future.
01/06/2013 04:17 UTC
What's new with the update?
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