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 Crash ClonebetaBack
   (5 votes)
Filesize:7.8 Mb
Added:May 6, 2013
Updated:Nov 16, 2014
Package Author: x1212
This is a clone of Crash, a game by Digital Nightmares, that itself was a clone of TRON.
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Crash Clone ver:
Author: x1212
Website: www.github.com/x1212
This is a clone of Crash, a game by Digital Nightmares, that itself was a clone of TRON. It is still work in progress at the moment. Use the D-Pad to navigate through the menu and to controll your car. Use the B-Button in the menu to start the game (if start game is selected). Use the X-Button in the menu to exit the game. Use the B-Button in game to use turbo. Use the X-Button in game to fire rocket (if you have one ready). The following features are still missing: - different AI-Levels (there is a point in the menu as a placeholder already) - AI beeing intelligent ... Changes since last version: - rewritten using Godot Game Engine (should be a little more stable now) - sound - turbo and rockets now working as they should be

GPLv2+ - source code
Additional Info
This clone is still work in progress.
Some features of the original game are not implemented yet.

To get an idea, what the original looked like you can watch following video:

The following features are still missing (things I might add in the future if I have the time/motivation):
- different AI-Levels (there is a point in the menu as a placeholder already)
- AI being intelligent ...
- some kind of highscore or ranking system (?)
- multiplayer (?)

- rewritten using Godot Game Engine (should be a little more stable and in some parts more performant now)
- sound
- turbo and rockets now working as they should be
- not tested on latest firmware! Might not work, but if so I will fix this once I get myself an up to date toolchain ...

- menu with options
- Framerate should be independent from overclocking now (at least in the small arena, the bigger ones have perfomance issues on my Rebirth Pandora)
- destroyed cars leave behind bigger holes (in the original game it is a 3x3 area around the car, but I choose to only let the direct neighbor-tiles be effected, as I thought that a square looked a bit weird for an explosion)
- got some performance issues in medium and big arena (overclocking will help a little ... )
- mouse cursor will be hidden
- tiles got variations (I hope this way it is easier to tell how fast one is moving ... but it is still not perfect and doesn't look right to me ...)
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15/08/2015 00:19 UTC
Nice game, but the music seems to be corrupted on my Rebirth running SZ 1.71 (it sounds like garbled noise, kind of like an engine). It would be great to add a loading screen between when you select Start Game and the game is ready to play.
14/12/2014 12:27 UTC
@nobgu : Didn't think about that, but it should be easy to add if I have the time. Might be a nice way to finally give a use to that difficulty option.
22/11/2014 11:05 UTC
Working fine. Is there an indication where the opponents are (in larger arenas)?
09/05/2013 21:38 UTC
Appreciating that this game comes to the Pandora - Graphics don't give you the feeling of movement (bg completely regular no orientation points) - No snds/music
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