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 Dune DynastyreleaseBack
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Filesize:7.7 Mb
Added:Apr 10, 2013
Updated:Apr 2, 2017
Package Author: ptitSeb
Dune Dynasty is a continuation of the classic real-time strategy game Dune II by Westwood Studios. It is not a remake. It builds upon the original game engine as reverse-engineered by the OpenDUNE project.

Dune Dynasty features these modern enhancements:

Runs natively on Linux and Windows (OpenGL or Direct3D), and now Pandora (using OpenGLES-1)
* High-resolution graphics, including zooming
* Multiple unit selection with control groups
* New build queue interface
* Rally points
* Multiple sound channels

* Emulated Ad-Lib sound and music playback
* General MIDI playback
* Custom campaigns
* Fog of war option
* Smoother unit animation
* Brutal AI mode
* Skirmish mode
* Jukebox
* Bug fixes
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Dune Dynasty ver:
Author: David Wang
Website: -
Dune Dynasty is a continuation of the classic real-time strategy game Dune II by Westwood Studios. It is not a remake. It builds upon the original game engine as reverse-engineered by the OpenDUNE project. Dune Dynasty features these modern enhancements: Runs natively on Linux and Windows (OpenGL or Direct3D), and now Pandora (using OpenGLES-1) * High-resolution graphics, including zooming * Multiple unit selection with control groups * New build queue interface * Rally points * Multiple sound channels Plus: * Emulated Ad-Lib sound and music playback * General MIDI playback * Custom campaigns * Fog of war option * Smoother unit animation * Brutal AI mode * Skirmish mode * Jukebox * Bug fixes

not specified
Additional Info
You need DATA from original Dune II to play. Get *.PAK from Dune2 v1.07 EU and put them in appdata/dunedynasty/data or let the PND download them for you.

Go to the Website here: http://dunedynasty.sourceforge.net/ for more info.

The controls are:
A Attack or Harvest
M Move
G, S Guard (Stop)
H, (Y) Select construction yard
P Place constructed structure

Ctrl-1,2 ... 0 Assign control group 1 2 ... 0
1,2 ... 0 Jump to control group 1 2 ... 0

-/(B) Zoom in
=/(A) Zoom out
,/. Toggle size of menu and side bars (comma and fullstop)

F1 Mentat
F2 Options
F3 Click structure icon
F5 Show current song
F6 Decrease music volume
F7 Increase music volume
F10 Show FPS
F12 Save screenshot into data directory

Now with Fluidsynth. Note the default is still Adlib. You will need a soundfont for it, and modify the dunedynasty.cfg if you want default to be midi. Note that framerate are much lower with Fluidsynth (from 45+fps to 15+fps).

History log
Build 08
* Latest sources, fresh build
* Updates libs (allegro 5.2)
* Mouse cursor should be fine now (don't use hardware cursor)

Build 07
* In sync with 1.5.7 version

Build 06
* In sync with 1.5.5 version

Build 05
* Added "E" to multiple selection (you can still use shift).

Build 04 and earlier, see main thread.

A thread is open here: http://boards.openpandora.org/index.php/topic/12687-dune-dynasty-classic-dune-2-modern-controls/
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02/07/2013 21:56 UTC
even better now
05/06/2013 20:51 UTC
I love this game, but it feels too small on a pandora. Plug it into a big tv and use a real mouse for this.
22/04/2013 22:54 UTC
Seems like since this update the game prefers to be started from desktop.
13/04/2013 01:24 UTC
Very good port. So much good games on the pandora
12/04/2013 20:40 UTC
very nice! last version has a small glitch here showing both hardware and normal mouse pointer with an offset..
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