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Added:Mar 25, 2016
Updated:Dec 20, 2016
Package Author: ptitSeb
Egoboo is an open source, cross-platform computer game. It's a three-dimensional dungeon crawling adventure that borrows a lot of elements from the roguelike genre. Egoboo is still under development, but it is fully playable.

Egoboo could be called a lot of things; "ARPG", "hack and slash", or perhaps "rougelike". It is an action-based adventure game with a unique mood and style. In Egoboo, you will slay hordes of foul monsters, explore many unusual locations, and get lots of really cool loot. Your ultimate quest is to save Lord Bishop, the king of the land, from the evil Dracolich. It is a difficult task, and you will have to face unbelievable danger to accomplish your goal.

* Over 40 uniquely hand-crafted mystical dungeons
* Choose between 8 different classes like the Wizard, Elf or Rogue
* Play with up to four players using hotseat!
* Awesome 3D graphics with cute and funny character models
* Support for Windows, Linux and Macintosh and OpenPandora.
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Additional Info
Here is Egoboo, the OpenSource 3D Dungeon Crawler

This version use gl4es, and is playable with correct framerate (> 15fps) on Gigahertz. You get around 10fps on CC (removing shadow and using low res textures). The game doesn't need fast framerate so it is playable even with that low framerate.

The default keymap has been adapted to Pandora, but it can also be customized:

DPad : Move
{X} : Jump
{A}/{B} : Left/Right Hand action
0/Backspace : Left/Right Hand inventory
O/P : Left/Right Hand Drop/Pickup
{L}: Sneak
,/. : Zoom in/out
q/w : rotate view

History log
Build 04
* Updated sources
* Updates libs
* Used luajit

Build 03
* Added a reset of Gamma at exit in the runscript.sh as a failsafe
* Moved rotation keys from 5/6 to q/w

Build 02
* Boosted Gamma to 2.0 at start
* Added an option to set custom gamma (put value in .gamma in appdata/egoboo)

Build 01
* Initial build
* Some Pandora customization (screen, keymap).

A thread is open here: https://pyra-handheld.com/boards/threads/egoboo.77136/
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29/03/2016 21:06 UTC
Gamma should be reset at exit, but I'll add a failsafe in the runscript, to be sure. For rptation keys, yes, I can do that too.
29/03/2016 20:59 UTC
Thanks for the update! Brightness is much better now (doesn't seem to be reset on exit, though). Could rotation be moved to more easily reachable keys (like q and w)?
29/03/2016 10:09 UTC
Nice work! But too dark.
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