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 Enemy Territory: LegacyreleaseBack
   (3 votes)
Filesize:43.9 Mb
Added:Aug 16, 2013
Updated:Oct 6, 2013
Package Author: ptitSeb
Enemy Territory: Legacy.

ET: Legacy is based on the source code of the Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory which was released under the GPLv3 license. The main goal of this project is to fix bugs, remove old dependencies and make it playable on all major operating systems while still remaining compatible with the ET 2.60b version and as many of its mods as possible.

You will need the data, go grab them on the official site.

Pandora build is officialy supported starting by servers starting with v2.71
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Enemy Territory: Legacy ver:
Author: iD Software + ET Legacy team
Website: -
Enemy Territory: Legacy. ET: Legacy is based on the source code of the Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory which was released under the GPLv3 license. The main goal of this project is to fix bugs, remove old dependencies and make it playable on all major operating systems while still remaining compatible with the ET 2.60b version and as many of its mods as possible. You will need the data, go grab them on the official site. Pandora build is officialy supported starting by servers starting with v2.71

not specified
Additional Info
Note that the "Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory" data files are not included. But there are free and can be obtained on the net (here for example http://www.etlegacy.com/) if you don't have them already and the "etmain" folder be putted in apddata/etlegacy (it's the "etmain" folder, weighting 250Mo, not the "legacy" folder that is already included in the PND).

Also, to play online, you will need to connect to etlegacy.com, the only server (probably) that currently support OpenPandora.

/!\ If you want to host a game, you will need a Swapfile. 512Mo RAM user should be ok to Join games without Swapfile /!\
/!\ CC user (256Mo models) will need a Swapfile for this games /!\

Nubs are configurable (see left_nub and right_nub inside appdata/etlegacy/home) and are configured to Left nub=Joystick (move) and Right nub = Mouse (look) by default.

There is a default key map, with keys similar to other FPS release.

History log
Build 02
* Update to 2.71rc2
* Pandora is now officialy supported, you can now connect to etlegacy.com server!

Build 01
* Initial release
* Configurable nubs (see left_nub and right_nub inside appdata/etlogacy/home)
* Defaut is Right nub for Joystick (move) and Left nub for Mouse (Look)
* Mapped Right shoulder to Left clic and Left shoulder to Right clic
* Default keymap
* A swapfile may be needed

A thread is open here: http://boards.openpandora.org/index.php/topic/14051-enemy-territory-legacy/
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29/08/2015 18:23 UTC
@Sepulep: this game is not Touchscreen compatible (it use relative mouse mouvement).
29/08/2015 08:55 UTC
That software need an update...
27/08/2015 19:38 UTC
I didn't notice before (well... hardly tried), but now I am having an annoying offset between pointer and touchscreen position..
17/01/2014 16:36 UTC
Game crashes with 4.10 drivers: WSEGL_InitialiseDisplay: DRI2OpenConnection failed, EGLport ERROR: EGL Error detected in file /media/SEBEXT/sources/git/etlegacy/src/sdl/eglport.c at line 232: EGL_NOT_INITIALIZED. (0x3001). It's almo
06/10/2013 21:14 UTC
Keep it alive!!! Thanks :)
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