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Added:Jul 30, 2017
Updated:Aug 13, 2017
Package Author: Magic Sam
The Multics CPU simulator created by Harry Reed and Charles Anthony is available for public download. A complete QuickStart installation package is available that provides software, compilers, system source, install scripts, and several initial projects (SysDaemon, SysAdmin, Daemon, etc.) and users. (07/08/17) Release 1.0 of the simulator is now available, along with Multics release 12.6f, according to mail from Walter Riordan.
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Additional Info
New in build #2

- Updated DPS8/M simulator (rc9 branch, latest git commit on August 10th 2017)
- Updated libuv (latest git commit on August 08th 2017)
- Compiled with ptitSeb latest beta Code::Blocks
- Multics 12.6f is downloaded from sourceforge.net (instead of Amazon S3)
- New red and black icon
- New preview picture of a 6180 mainframe computer
- Added all source codes to src directory

New in build #1

- DPS8/M simulator (32bit_new branch, latest git commit on July 23rd 2017)
- Libuv (from git)
- prt2pdf is in the bin directory: it converts simulated printed files to PDF
- Compiled with ptitSeb 's latest beta Code::Blocks (GCC 7.1, all opimizations are ON)
- I wrote a simple zenity script to help you download / unpack the latest 12.6f Multics release (~120MB, ~570MB unzipped)

Release thread: https://www.pyra-handheld.com/boards/threads/dps8-m-simulator-multics-12-6f.81098/

Instructions: http://swenson.org/multics_wiki/index.php?title=Getting_Started#Using_the_Multics_QuickStart
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