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 PCSX ReARMedreleaseBack
   (113 votes)
Filesize:2.71 Mb
Added:Aug 14, 2011
Updated:Jan 22, 2024
Package Author: PCSX team/notaz
PCSX ReARMed is heavily optimized PlayStation Emulator. It's a PCSX fork based on the PCSX-Reloaded project, which itself contains code from PCSX, PCSX-df and PCSX-Revolution.

The emulator features MIPS->ARM recompiler by Ari64 and ARM NEON GPU by Exophase, that in many cases produces pixel perfect graphics at very high performance. There is also NEON-optimized GTE code, optimized P.E.Op.S. (Pete's) SPU; PCSX4ALL and traditional P.E.Op.S. GPUs are also available.
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Additional Info
BIOS files are optional, but are needed for compatibility with some games. These uncompressed files should be copied to /pandora/appdata/pcsx_rearmed/bios/ , and selected after launching the emulator itself (Options -> BIOS/Plugins).

Double resolution rendering and gamma/brightness control features need SuperZaxxon 1.52 or later firmware to be installed. DSP feature needs SZ1.61 or later.

Changes in r24:
* HLE compatibility has been greatly improved
* various compatibility and accuracy improvements
+ support for more lightgun types
- savestates from older versions might not work, especially if HLE was used. Memory card files remain fully compatible.
* many small changes I forgot about

Changes in r23:
* many fixes from various contributors on github and from the libretro fork
* dynarec related slowdowns have been greatly reduced
* many dynarec bug fixes
+ added chd disk image support
18/09/2012 21:59 UTC
Fantastic! I eagerly await the 640*480 renderer and hope one day someone can do stable HW GPU support!
20/08/2012 23:17 UTC
I've only tested a few games, and everything has worked great! Thank you so much!
10/08/2012 21:17 UTC
Is it just me, or is diagonal movement with the analog nubs (analog controller) kinda bugged ? The relative directions (up, duwn, left, right) work just fine, but the diagonals sometimes respond as if the analog sticks are not "fully tilted" (So, the character will walk slower for example)
02/08/2012 08:28 UTC
Got you a answer from the OpenPandora forums. Play through disc 1 until the "Change Disc" screen appears. Then press space -> Emulator menue > Extra > Change Disc
09/06/2012 17:01 UTC
I just finished Lunar Silver Start Complete Disc 1 and the game asks for the Disc 2 to continue, but once I load the disc image from sd card it just loads the game menu screen with no way of continue the progress. I made sure both Discs load using same bios and same settings to no avail.
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