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 Serious Sam: Second EncounterreleaseBack
   (5 votes)
Filesize:11.54 Mb
Added:Apr 12, 2016
Updated:Jul 24, 2017
Package Author: ptitSeb
Serious Sam: Second Encouter launcher, using the OpenSourced Serious Engine 1.

You will need the data from the Full version to play this PND.
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Additional Info
Here is Serious Sam: Second Encounter (without data)

A video of the gameplay (in an early build) can be found here: https://youtu.be/Y9F7SlZXt3w

You'll need to copy the data from the original game (Steam, GoG or original CD version). Copy all the ".gro" files and all folders (but not the Bin one) in apddata/serioussam1 to play.

The game use gl4es, and use the recently opensourced Serious Engine 1.
The game runs ok on Gigahertz model, but is more demanding than the First Encounter. FrameRate are globaly a bit lower, but still playable. It's advised to use the latest SGX Driver for better performance and stability.
Some preconfigured config are there on first run, but fell free to play with the various parameters.

History log
Build 08
* Fixed some dithering issue.

Build 07
* Fixed physics issue with "The Pit" level (plus many other graphics issues)

Build 06
* Some more optim
* Updated libs
* Compiled with gcc 7.1

Build 05
* Never released

Build 04
* NEON (and some non-NEON) optimisations from @notaz
* compiled with gcc 6.1

Build 03
* Updated sources
* Added autodetect script for glshim

Build 02
* Updated sources
* Use SDL2 now
* Fixed the PXML

Build 01
* Initial build
* Some Pandora configuration

Sources are available here: https://github.com/ptitSeb/Serious-Engine
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03/11/2016 06:39 UTC
@AVahne each data in it's own folder. Second Encouter goes in appdata/serioussam2
03/11/2016 02:40 UTC
If I want both games do I put both in appdata/serioussam1 or do I put them into separate folders? I tried putting both in one folder and couldn't start a new game.
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