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Added:Mar 31, 2011
Updated:Feb 26, 2012
Package Author: snes9x team / SiENcE / skeezix / Ivanovic / other contributors
Super Nintendo (SNES) emulator for the OpenPandora, derived from Snes9x4d (Dingoo) port.

This SNES emulator is running pretty well; for now there are no ASM CPU cores in place, so try overclocking to keep speed up where needed. This might be remedied once someone finds the time and energy to work on things (patches are welcome! ;) ). This emulator should run all games at full speed pretty easily if you overclock a little. Press SPACE to bring up the menu. The menu lets you change scaling mode, save and load states, quit, ...
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Changes in "1.39ff.20120226.1" compared to "1.39ff.20111215.3":
* Finally fixed OS Version detection.
* Changed default scaling mode to "2x2 no-AA" to make sure that the emulator always starts even if problems with hardware acceleration might occur (eg. with the experimental kernel or further problems due to libSDL and the OS version).

Changes in "1.39ff.20111215.3" compared to "1.39ff.20111215.2":
* Switched to the latest libSDL from notaz as of his thread, not the same as in the firmware. Also changed to script invoking it so that the lib is actually preloaded correctly.

Changes in "1.39ff.20111215.2" compared to "1.39ff.20111215.1":
* Compiled using a more recent toolchain (including additional compiler flags).
* Detect the OS version and use the system libsdl if >=HF7 is used.
* Ship the latest libsdl from Notaz as of SuperZaxxon Beta 1.1.

Changes in "1.39ff.20111215.1" compared to "1.39ff.20111213.1":
* Added a "toggle turbo mode" key and mapped it to 't' on the keyboard.
* Added a battery level indicator in the menu.
* Increased the number of savestate slots to 10 (instead of 4).
* Updated preview pics.
Preview Pics
11/08/2011 16:10 UTC
it plays all of nintendo favourite games inc. starwing,mario kart,donkey kong country 3 and street fighter 2 turbo without any problems,only problem is to make full screen you have to keep on go to option to display to turn it full screen and press resume game,apart from that it's excellent.
12/07/2011 20:37 UTC
Love this emulator, it runs pretty much everything I throw at it (Bar Star Fox and Stunt Race FX). I'd love though if we could get a second controller option and maybe more save state slots.
12/06/2011 12:35 UTC
There are some scaling and filtering options (cf "Display mode" in the menu!). For more all I can say is: patches are welcome!
12/06/2011 00:04 UTC
Thank you very much for this emulator it's much appreciated, but please, please could we have some screen scaling & graphical filter options..!
26/05/2011 18:24 UTC
My favourite SNES emulator on the Pandora, bar none. Runs all my games (except Star Fox, which runs far too quickly - an issue from the version of Snes9x it's based on, though, not the fault of Snes9x4P) near-perfectly, and the audio is damn close (is the correct 32KHz, with only minor issues), too
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