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 unnamed game with a molealphaBack
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Filesize:6.66 Mb
Added:Apr 28, 2014
Updated:Apr 28, 2014
Package Author: x1212
This game is a simple platformer. It was made with godot for ludum dare compo (ld29: "Beneath the Surface").
Left and right arrows to walk, up to jump and space to punch.
The normal worms (pink ones, not moving arround) can be used to get back some health by eating (walking over) them. The other ones (yellow, moving arround) are poisonous, if you come to close to them you will loose health.
(originally I even had some kind of background story in mind for this ...)

The goal is to let all the flowers on the surface bloom, by punching all the poisonous worms beneath the surface.
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unnamed game with a mole ver:
Author: x1212
Website: www.github.com/x1212
This game is a simple platformer. It was made with godot for ludum dare compo (ld29: "Beneath the Surface"). Left and right arrows to walk, up to jump and space to punch. The normal worms (pink ones, not moving arround) can be used to get back some health by eating (walking over) them. The other ones (yellow, moving arround) are poisonous, if you come to close to them you will loose health. (originally I even had some kind of background story in mind for this ...) The goal is to let all the flowers on the surface bloom, by punching all the poisonous worms beneath the surface.

GPLv2+ - source code
Additional Info
Since this was created for a 48 hour competition, please don't expect anything great ;).
Included is a more recent build of godot (gles1 without editor). That could be usefull if anyone else wants to port a game made with godot to pandora.
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12/05/2014 08:21 UTC
Thanks for the feedback :D. I want to upgrade the graphics (scaling up and higher quality) and mechanics (mostly those hitbox-problems you mentioned) anyway as soon as I get the time (currently there is still a lot I want to improve with my port of godot).
12/05/2014 08:16 UTC
Fun already. The 'hit box' of the mole should be slightly smaller to allow easier up/down navigation. Also it is slightly too small now, perhaps scale by factor of two?
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