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 8Bit MerchantreleaseBack
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Filesize:11.49 Mb
Added:Feb 15, 2014
Updated:Mar 18, 2014
Package Author: StreaK
8Bit Merchant:
Fun and educational game set in 70'-90'. You're Merchant who sells computer electronics.
Its a mix of Hammurabi [buy/selling goods] and Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego [Educational]

- Nice ChipTune music
- Nice graphics [created from ground-up]
- Exclusive OpenPandora Game [written from Ground-Up]
- Created for Alive And Kicking Open Pandora Coding Competition 2014

[C]2014 by 4th Floor Development
Graphics by StreaK
Code by StreaK
Music by GoTo80
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About 8Bit Merchant:
A little financial game - something like the old Hammurabi , Vermeer, except for the hardware computers + peripherials sales.

You start out with $1000 in one of 15 countries (Poland, Germany, France..) in mid-70'ties. You can buy and sell 9 different hardware computers + peripherials [than changes overtime eg. in 80's and 90's some stock will auto-change]. You're making money to pay the debt that you done in 70's.

Hardware prices fluctuate quasi-randomly when going from country to country, although large scale events [eg. apple abandons Macintosh II hardware, TI abadoning personal computers scene ] etc. can cause temporary price increases or decreases..

Ocasionally if you're in right place and time you'll get the proposition to buy or get for free an unique hardware that later in mid 90's you could sale as a collectible for big price.

8Bit Merchant have achievement unlocking as well as collectibles unlocking.

Quick Hints:
- Its good idea to buy goods from west of europe and sell in east of europe
- Its good idea to always keep 100$ for emergency on your account
- How to get first achievement: "Dont forget to be in Poland in March of 1977"

LTrigger + 1..9 > Sell Hardware Goods
RTrigger + 1..9 > Buy Hardware Goods
F1-F9 > Stock Hardware Information
L+RTrigger + Q > Quit Game
Q -> Restart Game

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13/08/2015 15:28 UTC
Nice original homebrew with a new take on the Dopewars genre. Too bad the Pandora button does not work for quickly exiting the game and returning to minimenu.
16/03/2014 00:00 UTC
What a great game!
17/02/2014 06:05 UTC
Thats the charm of 80s. No animations. Who needs them? :D. If You never played in Vermeer, DrugLord, [Biznes, Kupiec, Wyprawy Kupca] or even Hammurabi you'll not likely get sucked in this kind of entertainment. Hmm, maybe i should add +35-40 YO in requirements :D [just kidding..]
16/02/2014 22:04 UTC
The best part is the jet plane audio. For me this is more like a history lesson on the development of computer electronics. Not exactly a 'game'. I wish there was some sort of animation like showing the jet leaving the airport. 2+/5 ...barely.
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