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Added:Jul 30, 2013
Updated:Jul 30, 2013
Package Author: Peter Schorn
This is my packaging of Peter Schorns AltairZ80, which in turn is a part of the SIMH project. It is an emulator of an Altair 8800 computer (the famed "first home computer" from 1974), and several other S100 machines too. It has many, many hardware options and it can run many possible OSes - CP/M 1.4/2.2/3, Altair 4kb Basic, CP/M-86, and so on and so forth. There are several examples of configurations and OS disks at Peter Schorns web site.

The emulator itself is very mature, and my goal with this package, eventually, is to have both a few well thought out readymade configurations (a developer machine, a gaming machine, a basic hobbyist machine, and so on), and also enough documentation to make it possible to dig in and configure the machine manually any way you want.

The BETA status I've given it does not reflect on the actual software - AltairZ80 is a very mature program - but on my packaging and documentation. Once I'm satisfied with that, I'll switch out of beta status and update the version numbers to reflect the version numbers actually given by Peter Schorn.
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As written above, this is above all a venture in packaging and documenting. At this first attempt, I'd like to check mainly that people is able to start the emulator and get mounted writeable disks on A:, B: and C: How do we know if they are writable? If the emulator does not loudly complain that the disks are read-only on startup, then they are. Or write a small Pascal program using TurboPascal 3 on C:, or something to try it out :)

Obvious known troubles:
- The documentation (Read the documentation!) is partly in PDFs, and Links (the docu viewer browser thing) isn't really set up to handle them well. You can "download" the PDFbits and read them as usual, or you can try adding an association - put "PDF" in name, "application/pdf" in type and "evince %" in command, and everything should work nicely.

- I'm currently running the emulator using xterm instead of terminal, which means that the screenshot above is a bit off.
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12/03/2014 14:11 UTC
Then again, for the computer history buffs out there, I agree that even so, this could be easier to get into. I intend to do something about that. Any day, now.
12/03/2014 14:09 UTC
Well, this *is* emulating a ca. 1977-ish semi-business computer, complete with the user-friendliness of CP/M 2.2, so if you're expecting fun and games, you might be disappointed, yes. Then again, readers might be advised that CCF has a somewhat personal animosity towards me, so bring the salt.
12/03/2014 13:24 UTC
Who would really use this for games? Non user friendly crap and not fun . 1-/5
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