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Added:Nov 17, 2014
Updated:Nov 17, 2014
Package Author: Ekianjo
BlindPlayer is a music/audio files player that does not require any visual interface.
The idea is that you use the shoulder buttons to control this music player. The only time when you actually need the screen is for the first step where you have to select a music file in a folder full of other audio files.
Then, as it starts playing the audio file, you can close your Pandora (make sure it does not go in low power mode) and control playback with the following:

It acts as a function selector. Every time you press it, it cycles between the following functions.
Pause / Next / Previous / Lock / Quit
As you cycle through them, you can hear a voice over the music track playing to indicate which function is selected at the moment.

RIGHT SHOULDER button acts as an action button.
It will activate the function selected by the left shoulder button.

For example, if you select "Pause" with the left shoulder button, and press the right shoulder button, it will pause playback.
If you select "Next" with the left shoulder button, and press the right shoulder button, it will jump to next track.
The only exception is "Lock" which will basically prevent any accidental right shoulder button click and ensure the playback continues until you remove the lock.

Note that are no preview pics, as there's no visual interface per se...

I hope you find it useful to make the Pandora a better audio player on the go.

17th November 2014: Build 1 / First version, except rough edges while it should be functional.
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Additional Info
Note that you need the community codec pack installed to make this work on Pandora.
Tested on 1.62RC firmware.

Uses the following libraries/programs:
- Python 2.7 (Overall code logic)
- Mplayer (For Playback)
- Pygame (For Keypress detection)
- PyZenity / Zenity (For the file selection Dialog)
- Python Mplayer (to control Mplayer from Python)
14/02/2015 04:55 UTC
Attempting to run this on my Rebirth with SuperZaxxon Kernel 3.2.64 results in CPU spike for a few, then nothing, and no activity. Running it manually with pnd_run results in Successful Mounting of the pnd, but starting the application run.sh fails.
23/12/2014 20:56 UTC
Oh !! Cool !! This is priceless for my "display dead" Pandora !! I can start it from VNC and then take it away with me :) Thanks
18/11/2014 16:03 UTC
I think a few features that would be nice for me: 1. Bluetooth output support. (I'm looking into it, and will get back to you) 2. Fast forward/rewind. 3. Loading directory (including sub-directories) instead of file within a directory. 4. Display titles in current playlist.
18/11/2014 05:53 UTC
@edgex004 Thanks for the feedback. I'd be interested to know what new features you may be interested in. I probably want to keep this application simple enough but there's definitely some more things I consider for next releases. Let me know your ideas anyway :)
18/11/2014 04:39 UTC
Definitely a good first release. Works as advertised and I will use it over the next few days to get a better sense of battery draw and whether I can make it run over bluetooth. With some more features and polish, this could become my new player for on the go. Thanks!
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