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 Curse of WarreleaseBack
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Added:Dec 21, 2015
Updated:Dec 21, 2015
Package Author: ptitSeb
Curse of War is a fast-paced action strategy game for Linux originally implemented using ncurses user interface. An SDL graphical version is also available (since version 1.2.0).

Unlike most RTS, you are not controlling units, but focus on high-level strategic planning: Building infrastructure, securing resources, and moving your armies.

Cities (W#W, i=i, and n) increase your country's population
Gold mines (/$\) give you gold, which is used to build new cities.
Put flags on the map to move your army. Press space to add and remove flags.
You play as a ruler of the green country.
Computer opponents have different personalities and different approach to control their armies
Game conditions can be adjusted with command line arguments, see $ curseofwar -h

Arrow keys are for moving the cursor
(B) or R or V to build village -> town -> castle
(X) or Space to add/remove a flag
(Y) or X to remove all your flags
(A) or C to remove a half of your flags
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Curse of War ver:
Author: Alexey Nikolaev
Website: -
Curse of War is a fast-paced action strategy game for Linux originally implemented using ncurses user interface. An SDL graphical version is also available (since version 1.2.0). Unlike most RTS, you are not controlling units, but focus on high-level strategic planning: Building infrastructure, securing resources, and moving your armies. Rules: ====== Cities (W#W, i=i, and n) increase your country's population Gold mines (/$\) give you gold, which is used to build new cities. Put flags on the map to move your army. Press space to add and remove flags. You play as a ruler of the green country. Computer opponents have different personalities and different approach to control their armies Game conditions can be adjusted with command line arguments, see $ curseofwar -h Controls: ======== Arrow keys are for moving the cursor (B) or R or V to build village -> town -> castle (X) or Space to add/remove a flag (Y) or X to remove all your flags (A) or C to remove a half of your flags

not specified
Additional Info
Here is Curse of War, a realtime strategy game.

The game initialy was curse only, but some graphical representation as been added lately. This version use the Graphic SDL version.

History log
Build 01
* Initial build
* Some Pandora customization (Keymap, forced fullscreen).

A thread is open here: https://boards.openpandora.org/topic/5600388-curse-of-war/
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15/03/2016 19:09 UTC
Did like this on the N900 already, but it fits the Pandora much better. Winning is not that difficult: just don't overextend yourself (setting too many flags too far away).
22/12/2015 07:09 UTC
@edgex004: me neither, but I'm sure it's doable.
22/12/2015 04:06 UTC
Couldn't really figure out how to win, honestly. Will try again another day, I think.
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