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Filesize:3.34 Mb
Added:Aug 14, 2011
Updated:Jul 3, 2012
Package Author: mcobit
A laserdisc arcade emulator
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+This is a port of the Daphne laserdisc emulator for the Pandora opensourcehandheld.+
This comes with no warranty at all.

Build 5: Fixed problem with Superzaxxon, Nub input won't work for now though.
Build 4: Added a frontend. - You might have to delete your appdatafolder to update properly.

Discussion on forum: http://boards.openpandora.org/index.php?/topic/4852-daphne-wip/

Here are the instructions to make it work:

1.) In your appdata directory of the sdcard, where daphne is located, create a directory named daphne.
2.) In that directory create the folders "framefile" and "roms" (without quotes).
3.) Copy your zipped roms into the rom directory.
4.) Copy your framefiles into the framefile directory and change the first line of the framefile to point to your mpeg dir.
5.) Run the PND and select the rom and the framefile.
6.) You can select some options in the launcher now.
7.) Press the "Launch Daphne" button.
8.) Your game should run now.

Note: If the bitrate of your video is too high, you need to overclock your Pandora to make it play smoothly. Also a high class SD card will help with speed. A class 10 card is the best choice.
Maybe you want to reencode your video: Have a look at the forumthread to see how to do so.

Have fun with this emulator!


Daphne is licensed under the GPL General public license.
Copyright (c) 2001 Matt Ownby
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23/08/2011 11:28 UTC
Hand Held Dragons Lair - Incredible to think what can be done with Pandora. I need to reencode my video for smoother play but it works. any tips on format of the video files?
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