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 Epic InventorreleaseBack
   (6 votes)
Filesize:63.62 Mb
Added:Jun 15, 2014
Updated:Jun 15, 2014
Package Author: ptitSeb
Epic Inventor - The Side-scrolling Action RPG!

A New World

Epic Inventor will present a light story to give you an idea of the background. Essentially, you are an inventor who has found himself stranded in a strange new land. In order to survive, you will have to make do with the things you find around you, while also fending off the strange inhabitants of this place.

You will need to gather materials, such as Wood and Stone, to make weapons and armor (among other things). These will require a workbench, and other early items you make will require a forge. So far, this is very similar to Terraria, hence the comparison.

But this is where we begin to move away from that...

This is a JAVA game, so you'll need JAVA installed.
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Here is Epic Inventor.

The game is written in JAVA, and is quite memory intensive, so for CC model, you'll need a Swapfile, and some patience. It seems fine on 512Mo model like Rebirth or Gigahertz.

I have adapted a bit the default Keymap:

DPad to Move (only Left/Right in fact)
{X} to Jump
{B} is Action
{A} is Robot
{Y} is Inventory

Also, in game, {R} is mapped to Left Mouse Buttons.

Left Nub is Mouse Buttons, Right Nub is Mouse (but you can change that using the left_nub and right_nub files inside appdata/epicinventor).

History log
Build 02
* Attempt to fix the "lost keyboard" issue that appears sometimes.

Build 01
* Initial build
* Resize to 800x480 (from 800x600)
* Keymap customization

Source is inside the PND, and it's based on latest git release, so v0.7 (where it seems latest official binary is 1.0).

A thread is open here: http://boards.openpandora.org/topic/16482-epic-inventor/
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15/06/2014 22:51 UTC
Again with these swap files!! I have a CC model and had no patience. But from what I could see this is no Terraria which I play on my iPad Air. Just a mess for me 2-/5.
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