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Filesize:8.23 Mb
Added:Jul 18, 2014
Updated:Jul 1, 2018
Package Author: ptitSeb
A hack and slash action adventure, set in a fantasy pixel art environment. Play solo or co-op in this adventure from bottom to top of Castle Hammerwatch. Kill hordes of enemies with varied looks and features through four unique environments with traps, hidden secrets and puzzles.

This is a launcher only. You'll need to copy the full version of the game to your Pandora to play it.
Also, you'll need the Mono RunTime PND to play this game.

Note that, when using v1.31+ of the game (so when Temple of the Sun extension is present), you'll need to disable all effect, as they are based on shader, which are not supported at this time.
Also, don't forget switch to fullscreen display.
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Additional Info
Here is the HammerWatch launcher.

You will need the Mono RunTime PND and the Full Version of HammerWatch.
This launcher should be compatible with all HammerWatch versions (including latest 1.22+ using SDL2). It is also compatible with Windows or Linux version, but in case your are using the Linux version, do not copy the "lib" folder (it may prevent the game from working on the Pandora).
Even if the full HammerWatch files can be copied everywhere, I sugest NOT to copy the files in the appdata/hammerwatch folder directly to avoid potential conflict.

Note that this game is Very Memory Hungry, and a Swap File is mandatory for CC model, and strongly advised for other model. If you experience crashes, enlarge your swapfile.

On first launch, you may need to go to the option screen and put fullscreen (if you see a large black band on top of the screen) and configure keyboard if you want.

To change GLES2 backend, edit appdata/hammerwatch/home/.es and put 1 or 2 to select GLES backend.

History log
Build 06
* Updated libs

Build 05
* using latest gl4es, with GLES2 backend by default (actual support for shaders)

Build 04
* using latest gl4es (fake support for shaders)
* using fmod
* compatible with 1.32 version (with Temple of the Sun)

Build 03 and earlier: see main thread

A thread is open here: http://boards.openpandora.org/topic/16688-hammerwatch-launcher/
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08/11/2014 20:51 UTC
Is this for the average user? I think not!! What is the point of this ? Is it to show how technical you are? No wonder why the Pandora is not popular on the islands or in the states. This is a cruel joke. 0/5 for me. Very difficult to compile and not worth it.
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