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 Lord of the RingsreleaseBack
   (1 vote)
Filesize:9.73 Mb
Added:Jun 3, 2017
Updated:Jun 6, 2017
Package Author: Magic Sam
Rewrite of the game engine for very famous
Lord of the Rings Game by Interplay. The game captures the athmosphere of
Middle Earth very well and it is regarded as one of the best Tolkien
inspired games ever. It is an old-fashioned RPG covering most of the book
events but adds more quests. I like that the game gives the player a lot
of freedom and I believe the replayability is high.
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Additional Info
New in build #3

- Data file names are automatically converted to lower case

New in build #2

- Disabled SDL mouse cursor (thanks to alxm for his help in the Powder 118 thread)
- Added playcartoon and playav to watch cutscenes
- Changed the data path to $HOME/.lotr (no longer uses symlinks, should work on vfat formatted SD card)
- Modified source files are in the package

New in build #1

- Michal Benes' Lord of the Rings v.0.66 (last git commit in November 22nd, 2012)
- Compiled with ptitSeb 's latest beta Code::Blocks
- Uses notaz ' improved SDL for fullscreen mode
- Source code is inside the package

Release thread: https://pyra-handheld.com/boards/posts/1415567/
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