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Added:Oct 3, 2013
Updated:Oct 4, 2013
Package Author: ptitSeb
by Stabyourself

Two genre defining games from completely different eras: Nintendo's Super Mario Bros. and Valve's Portal. These two games managed to give Platformers and First-Person Puzzle Games a solid place in the video game world. But what if Nintendo teamed up with Valve and recreated the famous Mario game with Portal gun mechanics?

A complete from scratch recreation of Super Mario Bros. with a focus on perfectly imitating the feel the 1985 classic gave us. Then give Mario a portal gun, add puzzle game mechanics from Portal and there you go. And if that wasn't crazy enough, play 4-player coop, with everyone having their own Portal gun!

* Complete recreation of SMB
* Elements from Portal
* Portal gun that shoots portals
* 4-player simultaneous coop (with external joysticks)
* Level Editor that was used to create the levels in the game
* 33 different hats
* Downloadable Mappacks
* Game modifiers for extra fun
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Mari0 ver:
Author: Stabyourself
Website: -
Mari0 by Stabyourself Two genre defining games from completely different eras: Nintendo's Super Mario Bros. and Valve's Portal. These two games managed to give Platformers and First-Person Puzzle Games a solid place in the video game world. But what if Nintendo teamed up with Valve and recreated the famous Mario game with Portal gun mechanics? A complete from scratch recreation of Super Mario Bros. with a focus on perfectly imitating the feel the 1985 classic gave us. Then give Mario a portal gun, add puzzle game mechanics from Portal and there you go. And if that wasn't crazy enough, play 4-player coop, with everyone having their own Portal gun! Features * Complete recreation of SMB * Elements from Portal * Portal gun that shoots portals * 4-player simultaneous coop (with external joysticks) * Level Editor that was used to create the levels in the game * 33 different hats * Downloadable Mappacks * Game modifiers for extra fun

not specified
Additional Info
Here is Mari0, the Famous hybrid between the original 1985 Mario Bros and Portal.

This one use löve 0.8.0 engine. compiled against lunixboch libGL (and the fixed SDL), it runs very well!

You can find a video from Ingoreis of the Gameplay on the Pandora here: http://youtu.be/LTo-2L9KnfU

I configured Pandora control in the the config file (the game is untouched).

The keys are:
DPad to mode
{X} to run/fire
{B} to jump
{A} to use
{Y} to reload
Right nub to Aim
Shoulder buttons to fire portal (or left nub as mouse buttons)

History log

Build 02
* fixed fullscreen code

Build 01
* Initial build
* Key customisation in default options
* Nubs configured mouse on right (using left_nub and right_nub files)

A thread is open here: http://boards.openpandora.org/index.php/topic/14524-mari0/
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24/06/2014 19:13 UTC
This is fun and goofy. I like it even though I have trouble with some parts.
04/10/2013 13:49 UTC
What a fortune! I was playing a week ago to mari0 thinking it would be funny on the pandora! Thank you ptitSeb!
03/10/2013 21:24 UTC
Brings back lots of memories! Game plays very smooth and graphics are very nice!
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