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 Not PacmanreleaseBack
   (12 votes)
Filesize:5.82 Mb
Added:Aug 25, 2013
Updated:Oct 30, 2014
Package Author: ptitSeb
Not Pacman
by Stabyourself

Ever wondered how Pacman would be like with physics? No? Well, it's revolutionary. This mashup of "Not" and "Pacman" puts The Pac and the Ghosts in a Pacworld cage, at mercy of gravity and level's shape, controlled solely by you.

Using love engine, and ported during GamesCom 2013
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Additional Info
It's a Pacman where the pacman and the ghost are controlled sollely by the Gravity, you interaction is to rotate the maze.

It's a game developed in Love. So the port is the port of the Love engine (v0.7.2 here), the Notpacman is simply the original love file.
The build 01 has been entirely ported during GamesCom 2013 ;)

You can find a video of the Gameplay on OpenPandora by Ingoreis here: http://youtu.be/ZpiuLkmgAQ8

It use the awesome libGL from lunixbochs (I had to disable the glBlendEquation), and I added some quicke and dirty fullscreen+downscale of screen res.

History log
Build 06
* Improved C4A using newest fusilli client: only best scores of the session will be send

Build 05
* Updated Fusilli client from Ziz, with fixed cached upload for large cache

Build 04
* Using Fusilli client from Ziz, with cached upload

Build 03
* Fixed C4A Support (when time is not a rounded second)

Build 02
* C4A Support! Eat everything as fast as you can.

Build 01
* Initial build
* Some automatic downscaling if asked screenres is to high

A thread is open here: http://boards.openpandora.org/index.php/topic/14127-not-pacman/
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25/08/2013 23:05 UTC
I think I play it better this way....5/5
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