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 Open CityreleaseBack
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Filesize:14.05 Mb
Added:Jan 2, 2015
Updated:Jan 2, 2015
Package Author: ptitSeb
Once upon the time, I was travelling over the Internet, and I found a city simulator under linux called FreeReign at SourceForge. But it isn't maintained any more. I decided to push the game up so I had a look at the FreeReign sources. However, its codes were not obvious to me, and in addition the game design didn't fit my programming style. Finally, I decided to write my own free 3D city simulator, based on the original ideas of the FreeReign project. Few months later, OpenCity was born.
OpenCity is a full 3D city simulator game project. Contrary to popular on-line games such as roulette and flash games, you have to download it to your computer before playing. OpenCity is written in standard C++ with OpenGL and SDL from scratch. It is not intended to be a clone of any famous city simulator from Max*s. So, if you are looking to download a free SimCity 4 like, please forget OpenCity. I work on it at my spare time, and I really meant it "my spare time" !
OpenCity is also an OpenGL/SDL/C++ game programming tutorial. In the resources section, you can find the micro simulators' algorithm, design document, UML diagram and information about other issues. The UML diagram is edited with Umbrello, the free UML diagram editor for KDE.
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Here is Open City, a (early indeveloppement) City simulation game.

The game use glshim. I changed a few controls, so {A}/{B} now rotate the view, and {X}/{Y} zoom.

The game is at it's early stage of developpement, so things are not perfect (for example, you cannot have road and electric line crossing!)

History log
Build 01
* Initial build
* Some Pandora customisation

A thread is open here: http://boards.openpandora.org/topic/17553-open-city/
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05/01/2015 13:26 UTC
@ptitSeb..you are a gentleman and a clear,rational thinker. These other clowns should take note of that. Your response was appropriate and honest. Thank you.
05/01/2015 13:23 UTC
Now who is next to debate this trivial,beaten to death matter?? Like flies to crap all of you are. ;)
05/01/2015 13:21 UTC
@dimag0g..try looking past that greater omentum and small mind you possess. Wait...I realize a rabid pandfanboy like yourself cannot. Also stop suggesting mean spirited and absurd ideas on what I should do with my time . Rather you should focus on your pathetic life..ok :)_..??
05/01/2015 13:13 UTC
@dimag0g..to prerequisite a game ,or any item for matter ,saying it needed more time is bad business albeit free or not. I do not think it is proper to put something out there for the masses with knowledge of it being incomplete. Can you digest that perspective in your pea brain?
05/01/2015 13:09 UTC
@dimag0g..nobody said anybody did anything wrong or is trying to impose anything on anyone as you suggest. You are way too dramatic here so relax.
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