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Added:Apr 7, 2012
Updated:Nov 14, 2013
Package Author: nuhrin
Pandafe is a sort of "universal" SDL frontend for Pandora games and emulators.

It was written especially for the Pandora, with the following goals:
* browse and run all roms and games from a single program
* specify commandline options for each game via a menu
* be fully configurable and extendable via the program itself
* use only dpad and buttons to do all this (no touching, heh)
* persist data via yaml, for human reading/writing/sharing
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Additional Info
* Interaction design & testing by Stefan Nowak (porg)

Changes in 0.3.0
* add category view
* use single list for platform view
* game rom management: rename, change category, delete
* game app management: rename, change category, edit ovr, delete pnd
* add terminal/file manager commands to various context menus
* add appearance presets
* much more extensive appearance configuration
* bug fixes and interface tweaks

Changes in 0.2.2:
* make list filtering dynamic (update while typing)
* add Nintendo DS / DraStic
* auto assign platform to next known program if preferred program not installed
* update rom path chooser to remember most recent path (if default not set)
* bug fixes

Changes in 0.2.1:
* fix some nasty memory leaks
* improve startup time
* GuiInstaller: show a message and offer gui switch if Pandafe is not found
* some new/updated Platforms/Programs, by request
* bug fixes

Uploads with build versions (0.3.0.x-xxxx) contain bug fixes. See github for details:

Please direct feedback to github or to:
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15/06/2013 15:36 UTC
Pandafe, reviewed, tested, and discussed with Nuhrin's interview on Pandoralive, right now: http://www.pandoralive.info/?p=1319
14/09/2012 20:20 UTC
I meant Yoshi's fact sheets, showing what the controls are for each emu: http://dl.openhandhelds.org/cgi-bin/pandora.cgi?0,0,0,0,5,404 Anyway, this is a really practical launcher, please continue development. E.g. you can remove the rebirth banner now :) And congrats with the kid!
05/07/2012 05:05 UTC
As far as "Yoshi's cheat sheets," I'm not familiar. Cheat database? I would certainly like to add support these sorts of things in the future. Further details and recommendations would be appreciated. When I get the chance I will try to open a forum thread for this sort of discussion.
05/07/2012 04:54 UTC
As far as new/reorganized platforms, you may not be aware that you can add/arrange them yourself within the app. Press select/space to bring up main/context menus. Docs are lacking, but everything there was done via the program itself. When I have time, I will add support for more out of the box.
05/07/2012 04:47 UTC
Thanks for your feedback, I'm glad you like it! I do intend to continue development, though I have a new child and a new home so my free time is lacking of late. Once my time opens up again I will first get the source cleaned and up on github, and then start looking at new features and requests.
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