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Added:Aug 20, 2013
Updated:Aug 20, 2013
Package Author: Timothy Lin
QWinFF is a cross-platform, easy-to-use and open-sourced media converter frontend to FFmpeg. FFmpeg is a powerful command-line utility to convert audio and video file into numerous formats. QWinFF features a rich set of presets to help users use FFmpeg easily without having to manually input command-line flags. Average users can convert multiple media files in just a few clicks, while advanced users can still adjust conversion parameters in detail.


- Easy to use interface.
- Many pre-defined conversion settings for common formats.
- Display conversion progress.
- View input file information (codec, bitrate, framerate, etc.).
- Convert multiple files into the same output format at once.
- Select different output formats for each input file.
- Drag and drop to add files.
- Shutdown after conversion.
- Cut video/audio easily by dragging and dropping.


- Adjust audio volume.
- Adjust video/audio quality (sample rate, bitrate, etc.).
- Adjust video/audio speed (preserving pitch).
- Convert video to audio.
- Set begin/end time.
- Additional parameters directly passed to FFmpeg.
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QWinFF ver:
Author: Timothy Lin
Website: code.google.com/p/qwinff/
QWinFF is a cross-platform, easy-to-use and open-sourced media converter frontend to FFmpeg. FFmpeg is a powerful command-line utility to convert audio and video file into numerous formats. QWinFF features a rich set of presets to help users use FFmpeg easily without having to manually input command-line flags. Average users can convert multiple media files in just a few clicks, while advanced users can still adjust conversion parameters in detail. Interface - Easy to use interface. - Many pre-defined conversion settings for common formats. - Display conversion progress. - View input file information (codec, bitrate, framerate, etc.). - Convert multiple files into the same output format at once. - Select different output formats for each input file. - Drag and drop to add files. - Shutdown after conversion. - Cut video/audio easily by dragging and dropping. Conversion - Adjust audio volume. - Adjust video/audio quality (sample rate, bitrate, etc.). - Adjust video/audio speed (preserving pitch). - Convert video to audio. - Set begin/end time. - Additional parameters directly passed to FFmpeg.

not specified
Additional Info
By the way OGG conversion does not seem to work. Seriously, f*** vorbis :)
Otherwise I tried a few conversions in standard formats and it was working. Please report if any issue.

One more thing, the interface is in Japanese in the screenshots but will appear in your locale language, don't worry.
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