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 Scrabble 3DreleaseBack
   (2 votes)
Filesize:4.45 Mb
Added:Mar 25, 2015
Updated:Oct 30, 2016
Package Author: ptitSeb
Scrabble is a board game with the goal to place letters on the board like in crosswords. Up to four players can take part in a game. Every player gets a limited number of letters (usually 7 or 8) per move and tries to compose a word using these letters with the prerequisite to connect it with at least one existing word on the board. The scoring depends on the letters (rare letters earn more points) and the premium fields that multiply either the value of a letter or the whole word. The player with most points wins the game when no letter is left (or can be placed anymore).

Scrabble3D extends the conventional idea of Scrabble by adding a third dimension. You do not only play from left to right or top to bottom but as well 'into the depth' that means in front or back of tiles. Scrabble3D has more fields and uses therefore a larger letter set. Compared to the classic game, the major focus is on the search for valid and precious combinations, especially when the cube gets filled with tiles.

Of course classic games using a 15x15 fields or Superscrabble with 21x21 squares can be played too, and you may configure any field setting yourself. Aim of the program is to provide as much flexibility as possible: you can configure letter set, dictionary, localization, and design in various aspects. Furthermore, Scrabble3D offers diverse option according regional tournament rules as well as some advanced and complete new features like CLABBERS, Cambio Secco, or the what-if variant.

You can play against the computer, local players or via the Internet. It is also possible to connect to a game server to find other players from all over the world and obtain a rating. Games can be run asynchronous on the game server, that means you play time-shifted and make your move when you want. Running games can be kibitzed, that means observed, and you can chat with other players.
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Additional Info
Here is Scrabble 3D, a remake of scrabble, using 3D

It is in fact more than a simple Scrabble with 3D Display, there is also many game mode.
The game as quite some locale.

It's a Lazarus (FreePascal) game, and it used glshim for the 3D rendering.

Use a real mouse for more confort.

To play with the Nubs, use Left Click to inclinate (with mouse up/down), Left Click + Left Shoulder to Move board (click before shoulder), Left Click + Right shoulder to Zoom In/Out (with mouse up/down)

History log
Build 03
* Improved speed of PBuffer" mode

Build 02
* Updated libs
* Using "PBuffer" mode of glshim: compatible with all driver and no more mouse blinking

Build 01
* Initial build

A thread is open here: http://boards.openpandora.org/topic/17890-scrabble-3d/
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