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 Xash3D - HalfLifereleaseBack
   (19 votes)
Filesize:10.44 Mb
Added:Apr 26, 2015
Updated:Oct 28, 2019
Package Author: ptitSeb
Xash3D Engine

Xash3D Engine is a custom Gold Source Engine rewritten from scratch. Xash3D
is compatible with many of the Gold Source games and mods and should be
able to run almost any existing singleplayer Half-Life mod without a hitch.
The multiplayer part is not yet completed, multiplayer mods should work just
fine, but bear in mind that some features may not work at all or work not
exactly the way they do in Gold Source Engine.

You will need HalfLife data to play. Just copy "valve" folder in appdata/xash3d
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Additional Info
Here is Xash3D, a remake of the GoldSrc engine, make it possible to play Half Life on the Pandora.

You will need the Game data to play this game.
If you use the CD version, you need to patch to latest version (v1.1.1.0). If you use the Steam version, you need to start the game your PC first before transfering the Datas.

For now, Opposing Force does not work, Blue Shift should work since build 10 and CounterStrike too since build 12.

This port use gl4es, and feature most of the controls tweaking also found on my other fps ports. So shoulder are mouse button (can be disabled by putting a files names .noshouldermb in appdata/xash3d), crouch is a toggle now.

Xash3D is featured on GiantPockets: https://www.giantpockets.com/half-life-running-on-pandora/

History log
Build 17


* Fixed music issue (disabled some NEON code that seems a bit buggy)
* Updated libs

Build 16
* Found a workaround to fix the visual artifact on textures
* Latest gl4es, with new BATCH mode for a bit more fps

Build 15
* Added some neon optimisations
* Added some GL optimisation (batching some calls)
* Updated all libs.

Build 14
* Update sources for xash3d from upstream
* New build , with faster and smoother gameplay (using arm "run fast")
*Updated CS libs

Build 13 and earlier: see main thread.

A thread is open here: https://boards.openpandora.org/topic/18026-xash3d-half-life/
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05/04/2016 11:26 UTC
Well, it is, of course, barely playable on Pandora nubs, but still, a very good port.
27/05/2015 11:40 UTC
@ekianjo: yes, a save game with a reproducible crash is welcome.
27/05/2015 10:43 UTC
i still gets crashes when doing game over at certain points of the game. Let me know if you need another save game to test, PtitSeb :)
03/05/2015 17:57 UTC
Hi ! As I still can't get the demo files to run, I'd really appreciate if you could provide ready-to-play PNDs for "Uplink" and/or "Day One" :) Thanks in advance ! Cheers, Magic Sam
02/05/2015 12:56 UTC
@DrasticNerd: as mentionned in the Additional Info, this should be fixed by Build 02. Please update and test again.
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